The Best

There are guys that have done 50k in a month. There is a number to shoot for. Good luck. A decent agent should make after costs $80k or more.
You guys are just embarrassed to let everyone know how little you make. I can't show you mine now or I will look like a cocky SOB. I'll Gide you a hint though. It's above $1,000 but below $100,000. :)
GreenSky said:
You added an extra zero after the second dollar amount. Must be a typo on that kaypro computer you use.


Actually I forgot one. It won't let me go back and edit without charging me $1.99 though. When did they start charging? I hate this forum!
I'm a newb who started selling FE part time in May, I can't give you the best answer,but I can give you a real one: what you have to look forward to is busting your ass to learn this business: finding a good IMO, getting a decent contract, figuring out what carriers to use, learning the apps and the niche for each carrier, the different health conditions and medications,getting leads,learning to cold call and prospect, using the phone to set appointments, a good in- home presentation, ect....

I started out dead broke and strictly door knocking off of a list. after a couple months I am now averaging 3-4 sales a week, a good week for me is a thousand a week, which is peanuts to the top Fe guys in here. anyway, there is an answer from a newb, take it for what its worth...

I am new, but just want to understand. How do you average 3 to 4 sales a week, but in a good week make $1,000?
When I was FE full time I set 2k per week as a baseline. Below that and I was pissy all weekend, but I shot for 3-5k per week.