The Current State Of ObamaCare - ACA

It doesn't matter the Supremes will take this down in June, Mark it down!

I hope you are right. Something has to be done because this ultimately leaves more people without coverage. Someone who can't afford to pay $200 per month for insurance isn't able to handle a $6,000 deductible. I know several people in that boat.
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The train wreck continues... Only getting back a quarter or less of the off exchange applications that we give out
And those candidates had no insurance


They will pay for their apartment and their food and their gas and their kids schools in the last on list will be their insurance
All of a sudden the carriers are concerned about being able to set premiums correctly. They've had OpenEnrollment claims experience since 1/1/2014. The phasing out of the government bailout $$$ pool is giving them the jitters. I wonder which one will exit all exchanges, and perhaps the entire the individual market first?