- 4,716
No truth to this.
Ocrap simply moved dollars around, robbing from productive members of society to redistribute to lower income.
Many will still show up at the ER expecting (and receiving) "free" care. Medicaid rolls expanded, more "free" care.
Those who earn above the FPL upper limit now pay more and have more OOP than before.
This grand scheme built on faulty calculations and lies will crash and burn by 2016.
There is absolutely nothing noble about this Socialistic scheme. It has been tried before and failed miserably. The same will happen here.
Looks like #2 is correct for your State. Check out my Uncle's article
Congressional Budget Office projections on ObamaCare raise questions about future enrollment* | Fox News
I stumbled across this website you might find it interesting. It really fits the title of this thread.
ACA Private QHP (Qualified Health Plan) Spreadsheet | ACASignups.net
FAQ on the site.
What do you really think of the Affordable Care Act?
I think it's a huge, cumbersome, insanely overcomplicated law that creates a ton of headaches.
However, I also think that the healthcare system in the United States prior to the ACA was already cumbersome and overcomplicated, with its own headaches...and that it was hurting poor and middle-class people in terribly unfair and immoral ways. There are some elements of the ACA which I don't like one bit, such as it being a windfall to the for-profit health insurance industry...but I feel that the good that it does outweighs the bad. If it works as intended, it should stop some of the worst abuses of the industry, bring decent healthcare coverage to millions of people who didn't have it before, force insurance companies to use at least 80% of their premium revenue for actual healthcare costs, and pave the way for individual states to switch to single-payer plans if they so choose in the future.
So yes, overall I do want the ACA to work. However, wanting it to doesn't mean that it will. ACASignups.net was created to try and get a sense of whether or not it is working.