The Current State Of ObamaCare - ACA

Isn't he kinda jumping the gun here? The surge of last minute enrollees are younger and their premiums aren't due until May 1.

But even if that is the final number of paid its still 85% paid so far...not bad.

I forget the name of the law, but all CEO's who speak, must accurately reflect the state of the company's financials/outlook, etc. Or they go to jail. So, no jumping the gun.

This info comes straight from the CEO of the carrier, wonder why HHS hasn't come clean or released numbers? "Jumping the gun" or do you mean not consistent with what you want to hear or what you've heard from HHS or CBO?


I apologize. This is the link I meant to post.

U mean picking winners and losers off taxes and fees from citizens?
Isn't he kinda jumping the gun here? The surge of last minute enrollees are younger and their premiums aren't due until May 1.

But even if that is the final number of paid its still 85% paid so far...not bad.

Younger means crappola if they aren't healthy. How many healthy people signed up for a plan versus those that jumped on because they were previously under/uninsured due to pre-existing conditions? You can have 100% of the sign ups being under 35 years old. That makes no difference if they are all obese with high blood pressure and diabetes.

If you think 85% is a good number, let's send the carriers you contract with a note giving them permission to keep 15% of your commissions and still pay you on a 1099. Afterall, 85% ain't too bad, is it? On top of that, how many of the 15% were given until the end of January to pay for their January 1 start date and stiff the insurance company/provider with 100% of the bill?


How long until the "Insurers report double digit profit increases under Obamacare!" headlines pop up?

Or the inevitable "Major insurer confirms HHS's estimate of 3% premium increases for 2015!"
The headlines could pop up tomorrow, but the facts won't be available until 2015 for your first question and October 2014 for your second. And I don't think the facts will support the headlines.
The headlines could pop up tomorrow, but the facts won't be available until 2015 for your first question and October 2014 for your second. And I don't think the facts will support the headlines.

So if the facts won't be out until those dates? Why is everyone saying the world is ending today? Let's see where we need to make improvements, and improve things.
The Negative Nancy's have their panties in a wad today.

Here's list of all the negatives we've heard so far...

1. Won't even come close to enrolling 7 million maybe half that.
2. Over half won't pay the first months premium.
3. Insurance companies won't get paid by the Gov.
4. Agents won't get paid by the carriers
5. People can't use their plans
6. The website will never work
7. The subsidies will bankrupt the US
8. Doctors were going to leave the profession in droves.
9. Providers were not going to get paid by the carriers.
10. Premiums would double by next Open Enrollment
11. Carriers would be leaving the Exchanges after the first year.
I don't know if you are directing this to me or not but if you are I will be happy to post a picture of my University Diploma if you post yours. As for the "lib" comment nope not a lib. By your tone I can tell you would have been in the "NO" column on the following vote.

"It turns out that a significant number of Republicans did vote in favor of the Medicare bill when Congress took it up in 1965.

The House adopted a conference report -- a unified House-Senate version of the bill -- on July 27, 1965, and passed it by a 307-116 margin. That included 70 Republican "yes" votes, against 68 "no" votes.

Then, on July 28, 1965, the Senate adopted the bill by a vote of 70-24, with 13 Republicans in favor and 17 against. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed it two days later.

So in the House, a slight majority of the Republican caucus voted for Medicare, and in the Senate, a significant minority voted in favor. Both of these strike us as more than "virtually no Republican support."

It's true that the Medicare bill was unpopular in certain segments of the Republican Party. In 1961, Ronald Reagan, the future president, famously released an LP with a speech in which he demonized "socialized medicine," citing proposals that sound a lot like the one passed four years later.

"Write those letters now; call your friends and then tell them to write them," Reagan said. "If you don't, this program, I promise you, will pass just as surely as the sun will come up tomorrow, and behind it will come other federal programs that will invade every area of freedom as we have known it in this country. ... And if you don't do this and if I don't do it, one of these days we are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children, what it once was like in America when men were free."

Other high-profile Republicans who opposed Medicare included Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater -- the unsuccessful Republican presidential nominee in 1964 -- and future president George H.W. Bush.

And as the Medicare bill progressed through the House, Republican support was scant. No Republicans voted for the bill until it reached the floor. It passed the Ways and Means Committee by a party-line vote of 17-8. And all four Republicans on the House Rules Committee — the panel that sets the boundaries of debate on all bills that come to the House floor — voted against the bill.

As the bill worked its way through the Senate, Republican support was somewhat stronger. In the final Finance Committee vote, the measure passed 12-5, with four of the committee's eight Republicans supporting it."

What is an LP? .
So if the facts won't be out until those dates? Why is everyone saying the world is ending today? Let's see where we need to make improvements, and improve things.

The world is ending? I'd be interested in seeing where anyone here is making that claim. In fact, you would find it easier to find posts from me and several others saying it needs a lot of fixing.


The Negative Nancy's have their panties in a wad today.

Here's list of all the negatives we've heard so far...

1. Won't even come close to enrolling 7 million maybe half that.
2. Over half won't pay the first months premium.
3. Insurance companies won't get paid by the Gov.
4. Agents won't get paid by the carriers
5. People can't use their plans
6. The website will never work
7. The subsidies will bankrupt the US
8. Doctors were going to leave the profession in droves.
9. Providers were not going to get paid by the carriers.
10. Premiums would double by next Open Enrollment
11. Carriers would be leaving the Exchanges after the first year.

You should provide links to the posts where these specific, verbatim statements were made.
The Negative Nancy's have their panties in a wad today.

Here's list of all the negatives we've heard so far...

1. Won't even come close to enrolling 7 million maybe half that.
2. Over half won't pay the first months premium.
3. Insurance companies won't get paid by the Gov.
4. Agents won't get paid by the carriers
5. People can't use their plans
6. The website will never work
7. The subsidies will bankrupt the US
8. Doctors were going to leave the profession in droves.
9. Providers were not going to get paid by the carriers.
10. Premiums would double by next Open Enrollment
11. Carriers would be leaving the Exchanges after the first year.

You will never get it, WE DO NOT WANT THE GOVERNMENT PROVIDING HEALTHCARE TO US. Medicare only works to the degree that it has cause the private healthcare system has propped it up...:no:
The Negative Nancy's have their panties in a wad today.

Here's list of all the negatives we've heard so far...

1. Won't even come close to enrolling 7 million maybe half that.
2. Over half won't pay the first months premium.
3. Insurance companies won't get paid by the Gov.
4. Agents won't get paid by the carriers
5. People can't use their plans
6. The website will never work
7. The subsidies will bankrupt the US
8. Doctors were going to leave the profession in droves.
9. Providers were not going to get paid by the carriers.
10. Premiums would double by next Open Enrollment
11. Carriers would be leaving the Exchanges after the first year.

1. How many were previously UN-insured.......half at best. 3 million of 45 million uninsured in US. And the upheaval of the whole system to get that.
2. 20% will not pay or drop off books, mine is running about 10%
3. All my carriers have NOT been paid yet (BCBS AZ - been paid Jan only / Aetna has not rec'd a dime / Cigna - not been paid yet)
4. I've only been paid 10% of what I'm owed, only on client portion of premium
5. I'm hearing that from 10% of my clients, website says in network, doctor not accepting it.
6. Website works for some, not all, and terrible for simple changes. Took me 30 minutes to add an apartment number (with no hold time today)
7. We're at 18 trillion, I'd say that's bankrupt, or what # to you think is BK?
8. My kids pediatrician just notified us he went concierge model b/c of O'care
9. Complaints of low reimbursement rates, too early to say as claims just getting processed.
10. Premiums doubled for this enrollment, everyone agrees they will go up in 2015 again
11. Carriers have not yet made the decision
she can now get the problem treated quicker thus cheaper...which saves more money for you and I to buy fun stuff with

No truth to this.

Ocrap simply moved dollars around, robbing from productive members of society to redistribute to lower income.

Many will still show up at the ER expecting (and receiving) "free" care. Medicaid rolls expanded, more "free" care.

Those who earn above the FPL upper limit now pay more and have more OOP than before.

This grand scheme built on faulty calculations and lies will crash and burn by 2016.

There is absolutely nothing noble about this Socialistic scheme. It has been tried before and failed miserably. The same will happen here.