The Dismantling of ObamaCare - Ongoing Updates.

57 gold plans? Subsidized at 75%?
We have 1 gold plan in all of Phoenix.
Sounds fair to me :no::no:

The members of Congress and their staffs choose from among 57 gold plans from four insurers sold on the DC Health Link's small-business marketplace this year. Approximately 11,000 are enrolled, according to Adam Hudson, a spokesman for the exchange. The government pays about three-quarters of the cost of the premium, and workers pay the rest. They aren't eligible for premium tax credits.

GOP Bills To Replace Obamacare Do Not Tinker With Lawmakers' Coverage | Kaiser Health News
Whete I was sunday working

Doing yoga and standing on your head?

OffTopic: I met some refugees this weekend and helped move the 2nd family into a small apartment so that they could save ~$600/month. They came here with nothing, with no job and not speaking the language at all. Now, all of them speak more English than I speak Swahili and they are learning faster than I.

Their kids seemed freer than ours. I guess you grow up with nothing you learn to be attuned to the "now". Throw a soccer ball out and all are suddenly playing - barefoot. There were no electronic games piled up not being used or holding them motionless looking at a screen for hours.

Afterwards, we went to a park for a potluck. There was plenty of food, lots of people speaking different languages more if you count the dialects, at least 8 different religions and no wars. Funny, I thought those other people were scary.

We sweat the small stuff - and shouldn't.
Doing yoga and standing on your head?

OffTopic: I met some refugees this weekend and helped move the 2nd family into a small apartment so that they could save ~$600/month. They came here with nothing, with no job and not speaking the language at all. Now, all of them speak more English than I speak Swahili and they are learning faster than I.

Their kids seemed freer than ours. I guess you grow up with nothing you learn to be attuned to the "now". Throw a soccer ball out and all are suddenly playing - barefoot. There were no electronic games piled up not being used or holding them motionless looking at a screen for hours.

Afterwards, we went to a park for a potluck. There was plenty of food, lots of people speaking different languages more if you count the dialects, at least 8 different religions and no wars. Funny, I thought those other people were scary.

We sweat the small stuff - and shouldn't.

That was a terrific, terrific post. There is not much that I read here that is uplifting and inspiring, especially when it comes to agent's attitudes toward immigrants. I guess many live in small towns where everyone is Anglo and where all they see is the national news shows repeating the president's words of all immigrants being murderers, rapists, and drug dealers.

Some of us who live in larger metropolitan areas where an oriental man might be your doctor and a Hispanic woman might be your lawyer and a Haitian man might be your electrician and European might be your kid's school principal... we all have learned to get along and be somewhat tolerant of each other.

Thanks for posting what you did. I hope others feel the same way.
It's official, 45 days of OEP.


Isn't this speshill

CMS Officially Shortens 2018 Individual Health Enrollment Period

CMS officials acknowledged in a discussion of the new regulations that the SEP verification requirements could cause problems for some consumers who cannot obtain the documentation required.

"Therefore, we will permit consumers to send us the details about their qualifying event with an explanation of why they are unable to submit requested documentation, and we will take their letters into consideration when deciding whether to exercise reasonable flexibility," officials said.
What's wrong with petitioning the exchange for a waiver for the tax penalty if valid hardship and spending some time outside the USA and getting a genuine International medical plan with underwriting? Waiting for somebody to shoot holes in this but it's better than STM

So the mandate is still being enforced? I thought so, had a very heated discussion with someone when I told them they'd have to pay the penalty or get a waiver, they insisted that is not so they know people that didn't pay the penalty for 16 and was told by their CPA they wouldn't have to pay for 17.
So the mandate is still being enforced? I thought so, had a very heated discussion with someone when I told them they'd have to pay the penalty or get a waiver, they insisted that is not so they know people that didn't pay the penalty for 16 and was told by their CPA they wouldn't have to pay for 17.

Penalty is still IN.

Whether its being enforced if you don't pay it is a different conversation.
I just ran numbers using TurboTax and think when the program screened based on the law. Lowest premium >8.125% of Adj Gross. It's really supposed to be based on MAGI and TTax may have done the calculations correctly.

I'm hoping no audit but accountants have gotten the same numbers in the past so I figure I may as well load them into the computer since I had to collect and sort them.
The law delivered health coverage to about 20 million people but is saddled with problems such as rapidly rising premiums and large co-payments.