The Dismantling of ObamaCare - Ongoing Updates.

Was the system implemented this year for the IRS to verify if you have qualified health insurance or not?


As I understand, the penalty was only enforced if you were due a refund. I have never read of the IRS sending people to your door to collect for not paying your shared responsibility.

On the IRS form 1040, 1040A, you can leave the "Do You Have Health Insurance?" box blank if you want to.

""TurboTax and H&R Block are among tax-preparation services that quickly updated their software so that customers can submit their returns even if they refuse to certify their health coverage.

"People can go through and not report their health care status and they won't get rejected," said Lisa Lewis, a tax expert at TurboTax, a popular online tax-filing service.""

Full Article: Donald Trump limits reach of Obamacare on 2016 tax filing - Washington Times
Was the system implemented this year for the IRS to verify if you have qualified health insurance or not?


On the IRS form 1040, 1040A, you can leave the "Do You Have Health Insurance?" box blank if you want to.

""TurboTax and H&R Block are among tax-preparation services that quickly updated their software so that customers can submit their returns even if they refuse to certify their health coverage.

"People can go through and not report their health care status and they won't get rejected," said Lisa Lewis, a tax expert at TurboTax, a popular online tax-filing service.""

Full Article: Donald Trump limits reach of Obamacare on 2016 tax filing - Washington Times

While that may be true I have already had a client that filed about 4 weeks ago and has received a letter to prove it and never received a 1095B so he had to call the company and get one. He had 20 days to send it in. I guess someone didn't get the memo.
Client prepares and sends proof of income in himself.
Client loses tax credit and CSR.
Price went from $4.03/mo to $1008/mo. (250 million percent higher)
Deductible went from $600 to $7000.
The taxpayer just saved a bundle.
Client gets screwed by govt people who can't read an income statement.
Isn't ACA great?
So while I was at the gym this morning I saw the tv and it said Trump proposed a new health bill. What was it?
Medicare for All... I'm sure you know that by now and most in the know now know... you know what i mean?

That's similar to what Conservative columnist GEORGE WILL said yesterday...Single-Payer will replace ObamaCare, because the people benefiting the most from ObamaCare are Trump Supporters. And, Donald Trump himself is an advocate for Universal Government-run healthcare.

Full Story: WATCH: George Will predicts Obamacare to become single-payer because of this inconvenient fact