The flame thread....


Like My post and enter the DRAWING,,,,
This is were we are going to move post like this(once I figure out how)till then cut and past in one post......I am not a believer in deleting......and like freedom of speech.......
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somarco said:
Wasn't being argumentative, just fleshing out your cancer/disabled comment.

BTW, your avatar is pretty sick. Shame on you . . .

really....good reason for life insurance.......

Gotta agree with Bob. The avatar is not good at all.

perfectchoice said:
This is one of our moderators? Dude...have a little respect.

how about this one......are you sure you guys are from the other board....

agent007 said:
how about this one......are you sure you guys are from the other board....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

besides did you come here to talk insurance or bitch about avatars....

insuremojo said:
What's going on here? ...I thought this was a thread about walk'n & talk'n for health? So what if sti's avatar is a little sick? To each his own...if it bothers you that much turn off your computer :D But I'm here to network and learn new ideas.

Back to the subject...I agree with somarco, ask them how much they're paying for their plan then tell them about how much money they can save by switching to an IFP. Personalize it, start out with a script if you have to but make sure you get enough experience to internalize it.

James said:
besides did you come here to talk insurance or bitch about avatars....

I like the one with Steve Erwin better then the replacement.

perfectchoice said:
besides did you come here to talk insurance or bitch about avatars....

Did you come here to make a political statement or talk insurance? The ONLY reason you would use these types of avatars is to get attention. So don't give me crap about talking insurance. This is the first non-insurance remark I've ever made on this forum or the other.

You are supposed to be the moderator, thus set the example. I simply stated that your avatar making fun of someone's tragic death who has has not been dead two weeks was in poor taste. And this new one, begs for attention too.

James said:
No question, Sti likes attention and he begs to be offensive.

moonlightandmargaritas said:
While the Steve Erwin thing is certainly low class, and the Hitler/Bush thing isn't much better (and I'm no fan of "W"), let's not forget this is America, and if he wants to be offensive, it's his right!

perfectchoice said:
Did you come here to make a political statement or talk insurance? The ONLY reason you would use these types of avatars is to get attention. So don't give me crap about talking insurance. This is the first non-insurance remark I've ever made on this forum or the other.

You are supposed to be the moderator, thus set the example. I simply stated that your avatar making fun of someone's tragic death who has has not been dead two weeks was in poor taste. And this new one, begs for attention too.

really......just like your spamming signature....Kyle it looks like you have been an agent just over a year so you might want to step off and do some reading instead of bitching.......I change my avatars quite often and most of the time they might get unusual can you take advice from someone with a creative sense of humor....looks like you are the agent we are trying to help.....and Chris if you can get thier email address and age just tell them you would like to email some individual rates and compaire how much they are paying on the group plan....and hit them with this.....this is texas and we are not required to carry workmans comp.....most group plans do not cover on the job you can tell them that you can give them 24 hr coverage at a better rate then being on the spouse group plan.......

perfectchoice said:
I'm not telling him he has no right to use those avatars--no more than he can tell me not to disagree with him. That is not even the issue. And I probably would not have said anything else had he not tried to jump on my case for making a comment about it.

Freedom of speech? Is this what the first amendement is supposed to be used for? I thought it was intended to provide protection for people who want to organize ideas and expressions in a way that can have a positive change.

STI---I will remove my signature. I did not realize it was spamming, since the other moderator also has his website on his signature.

Don't try and belittle me because you think I have only been in the industry for a year. Being in the industry for 25 years does not give you the right to be as offensive as you want to be.

I do not know where you did your supposed research, but for a more truthful account of my years in the business (as I have stated in several other posts to be 5 years) see attached license with issue date of 6/28/2001. In the future do not try to discredit me or my posts with your poor research.

perfectchoice said:
I do not know where you did your supposed research, but for a more truthful account of my years in the business (as I have stated in several other posts to be 5 years) see attached license with issue date of 6/28/2001. In the future do not try to discredit me or my posts with your poor research.


perfectchoice said:
What's your point?

This only shows your research only goes surface deep.

Yea right...your state DOI is clueless....but at any rate.....what advice do you have for this topic......or question......

perfectchoice said:
Are you kidding won't even admit your research was incomplete? I guess I must have fabricated the license you failed to read.

I apologize to the other readers for these off-topic postings; But just because you offered so-called advice on topic does not legitimize your other hare-brained posts here. You do not deserve the status of Moderator on this board.

perfectchoice said:
john_petrowski said:
This is the exact kind of back-and-forth posting that we're trying to avoid. This kind of crap should be done through personal email - not in public on a board. There is a difference between disagreements with insurance products or anything insurance related and disagreements that get personal. This is when good agent who are just getting ready to post back off and don't post because they get scared.

This is over. Any further crap and all of the posts will be deleted. We are here to discuss insurance products, marketing and anything else that actually helps either agents or clients.


I understand but the moderator has publicly posted false information about me, aiming to discredit me as an agent and had he done that in private email I would have responded in kind...but since he did it publicly I have a right to refute it...publicly.
Freedom of speech doesn't include yelling "fire" in a movie theater just because someone wants attention or thinks it's funny. Aside from freedom of speech the whole point of this forum is to trade ideas and expertise.
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why yes it if you feel you have to flame someone do it in here ...

I understand but the moderator has publicly posted false information about me, aiming to discredit me as an agent and had he done that in private email I would have responded in kind...but since he did it publicly I have a right to refute it...publicly.

I'm not a fan of deleting anything. That's a dangerous habit to get into as either a moderator or site admin. Then you can just twist the board to suit your own personal agenda.

Nothing will be deleted by me without a warning and the only thing I'd delete is blatant spam or someone who wants to flame but doesn't want to disclose who they are.
I noticed you did not repost my actual license showing actual issue dates so I will repost for your research file.

I guarantee one thing: Not one person is going to read anything I wrote and get scared off the forum, new or old agent. I did not make one false statement, offensive remark (in written nor illustrative form such as an avatar), or personal attack.

STI has crossed the line in trying to make a liar out of me, not to mention offensive language and illustrative remarks.


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perfectchoice said:
I noticed you did not repost my actual license showing actual issue dates so I will repost for your research file.

there was no it here and I will apologize.....

kyle can prove me wrong here.....Im just going on what the doi has...if we are going to try and be truthful here and give advice I for one don't want someone BS'n me.....I have posted just about every thing about me on the other board and have worked with many of you on the side on the phone....hell this week alone I had a client move to CO. and needed to change insurance and set up a member of this board to write it...and he has less than a couple years under his belt......but he did not BS me.....
well kyle can prove me wrong here.....Im just going on what the doi has...if we are going to try and be truthful here and give advice I for one don't whant someone BS'n me.....I have posted just about every thing about me on the other thread and have worked with many of you on the side on the phone....hell this week alone I had a client move to CO. and needed to change insurance and set up a member of this board to write it...and he has less than a couple years under his belt......but he did not BS me.....

I did prove you wrong by posting my actual license. Do not accuse me of being untruthful without grounds. I do not care what you have posted about yourself---just because you have done so does not make you right here or make me a liar.

Going solely based on what the DOI website says does not excuse you. "Well, sir, I'm sorry but your driver's license says you weigh 180lbs, I don't care that you have the same name and address. I am looking at a 250lb man and you are obviously not the same person because your license says you weigh 180lbs."

You have a duty to verify information before publicizing it.

fyi, DOI does not show when a resident licensee moves out of state, gets resident licensed there and moves back, as was the case with me.
what.... can you not you did not......were is your resident license issued.....