There Goes Low Deductible Union Health Plans!

When unions promote the interest of the workers they are good. When they promote the interest of the unions as an institution it's time to pitch them.

As to teachers, there are independent unions that charge less and don't get political, while still advocating for teacher raises, etc. If unions would stay out of politics (If I want the Democratic party to have my $ I'll give it myself, thank you) and enriching their bosses, I - and millions of others - would feel better about them.
When unions promote the interest of the workers they are good. When they promote the interest of the unions as an institution it's time to pitch them.

The interest of the workers and the union are one and the same.

Teachers, and their unions, are all about protecting their pay, benefits, etc. where they should be most concerned about the quality of education for the students. Teachers and the unions fight charter schools, private schools, vouchers, accountability and so forth. Anything that smells of "free market competition" for the good of the student is battled by the unions.

Unions will not stay out of politics because it is their nature to be political.
Economic theory says that the economy does best with compeition amoung buyers of labor and sellers of labor. Whenever you have a monopsonistic buyer of labor (ie government) a monopsonistic seller of labor (ie unions) will have an outcome closer to what would be achieved given competitive markets.

In actuality, things get distorted and some unions and in this case government employers don't do what's best for members and employees. My take is that once an agreement is reached, the employee should act as if they were an owner and take care of business. The employer should take care of the employees and give them a decent wage. I'm in favor of incentive pay plans because greedy self interest is a great motivator and the driving force of capitalism.

That said, we need regulation because some people look at business as a zero sum game and want all of the marbles for themselves. The current POTUS does this which is apparently why he thinks it's ok to steal from his business associates.
Public sector unions should simply be illegal, as there is no way to prevent the inevitable conflict of interest. It's my tax dollars which pay for unions to lobby for more benefits and higher taxes sonthey can use the increased dues to lobby for more benefits and higher taxes...which is how we arrive at bankrupt states.

Ban public unions. Put anyone who was ever a member of one in prison.
Public sector unions should simply be illegal, as there is no way to prevent the inevitable conflict of interest. It's my tax dollars which pay for unions to lobby for more benefits and higher taxes sonthey can use the increased dues to lobby for more benefits and higher taxes...which is how we arrive at bankrupt states.

Ban public unions. Put anyone who was ever a member of one in prison.

How about we put you in jail (a ss/u/ming from your post that you've never been in a union and) ..... never mind too much trouble. See post above for reasons for unions. Would think you'd be for moving toward free market not oligarchy. .