This idea works and you should try it

Re: This idea works and you should try it.

This is a great idea and I like your approach. When I was with NML I got into firehouses more by accident than design (well, one of my clients was a retired fire chief LOL) and did very well.

Two things about the people in fraternal organizations like firemen and police, they never feel they have enough insurance (they know their LOD risks) and they usually will do what everyone else there is doing. If one guy buys a term plan, most of the other guys will buy it too. If one guy buys a boat, most of the other guys will too. It's just the way they are and the way they work. Same with military but harder sell with the GI benefits and underwriting risks.
Re: This idea works and you should try it.

What is a nature death benefit? And how is $250 beneficial?

Most accidental death plans do not coverage anything if you die of natural causes. Such as a heart attack or something.

This is a free rider and bonus I call it. It is just something for nothing. If you die in an accident, you also get this bonus.

There is a long story behind it also. But when this was designed not many other accidential death plans had R.O.P. or a natural death benefit. So they thought it would be nice to offer something for free and also offer R.O.P. I never had any client complain about getting the free rider. Even if it is a small amount.

Also after 10 years the R.O.P start to build up and you don't have to wait until the end of 20 years to get some of your premium back if you cancel early.

Mark Rosenthal
[email protected]
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That's if you are killed by a coyote or mountain lion or something. (:biggrin:)

If you are just walking in the woods and to no fault of your own, you are attacked, then that would be an accidental death and it would pay both amounts.

If you were drunk and decided to go attack some wild animal, then you would just get $250.00 plus any cash value that you may have built up.
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Re: This idea works and you should try it.

Another great idea. Thanks for sharing. I am new to this, doing it part time, and don't have a lot of extra time or money to put towards prospecting, but I have used some of Mark's ideas on a small scale and am seeing the results. Hopefully this time next year, I'll be selling insurance full-time, and at my job part-time. :wubclub:
Re: This idea works and you should try it.

I don't think he uses deception either (while selling insurance).

I suppose it reminded me of the time that someone did the same thing in our office (many years ago). He offered to bring in lunch for about 15 of us. He said he had some "ideas to share."

It was Amway. It would have been nice to know in advance who he worked for.

Wow, not sure I would compare what Mark is doing with Amway! Multi-level garbage and providing a benefit that most firemen really need but don't know about are not even in the same ball park.

Since when do we tell our prospects everything in advance? If we did, we wouldn't be going on many sales calls. That is not deception... that is a sincere desire to help others.

Keep up the good work Mark!

Not to be sexist, but it would seem that a "jewelry party" at a fire station would be a good idea. Does Amway sell jewelry?