Tips From Top Producers To Combat Coronavirus Objections


I'm sure most of that is going to be stripped out. I just listened to an interview with her on CNBC and it sounds like the deal will be don Mnuchin agreed to oversight on the corporate socialism money so he can't hide who's getting it.
When all's said and done the Fed's balance sheet will be near $10 trillion and Stimulus will add another $4 trillion to deficit. Co's will no longer be able to buy stock back. The gig is up and mass stagflation could be coming as were saddled with huge debt that can't be paid back or is risky and buyers will want much higher rates for the risk.
When all's said and done the Fed's balance sheet will be near $10 trillion and Stimulus will add another $4 trillion to deficit. Co's will no longer be able to buy stock back. The gig is up and mass stagflation could be coming as were saddled with huge debt that can't be paid back or is risky and buyers will want much higher rates for the risk.

Certainly possible ... If the market goes flat one thing is certain: We should be fine, as we sell what the bankers and wall street can't - Certainty!
Well my Royal Caribean and BP stock is up $5000 from my $15,000 investment. Should I hold or sell???

I've never played the market before lol.

William O'Neil from Investors Business Daily teaches to take any 20%+ gain and run.

There is an exception to that, but given that we are in a bear market, it would not apply.

I'd take it myself, but that's me.

Ask yourself how you will feel if you finished tomorrow and your $15K is down to $10K, and how would you feel if you took your profits today and missed out on another $5K tomorrow?

Answer those and that will tell you what YOU think you should do. Would you feel worse to lose your principle or to lose the opportunity to gain more?
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William O'Neil from Investors Business Daily teaches to take any 20%+ gain and run.

There is an exception to that, but given that we are in a bear market, it would not apply.

I'd take it myself, but that's me.

Ask yourself how you will feel if you finished tomorrow and your $15K is down to $10K, and how would you feel if you took your profits today and missed out on another $5K tomorrow?

Answer those and that will tell you what YOU think you should do. Would you feel worse to lose your principle or to lose the opportunity to gamin more?

This is why I don't play the market. But I've got a TD Ameritrade account and trades on stocks don't cost me anything (that I can tell anyways).

So I could just keep doing this :) But that's how people get in trouble.