Tips From Top Producers To Combat Coronavirus Objections

I never said my feelings were hurt that's what you assume.

I never said I ate the last cookie.

Maybe so. But Royal Caribbean seemed to be able to financially weather the storm.

Bought some BP too.

Most was split between a few of the big airlines. While I never agreed with bailing out the banks, they did it to themselves, the airlines are getting hit through no fault of their own.

Though it is their fault this spread across the globe so fast.
Yeah I think cruise lines will get something but it'll come with a lot of stipulations. That's just my opinion and is based off absolutely nothing but my thoughts so take my posts just as so haha

I've had some serious FOMO with companies like zoom and blue apron. I was even preaching online conferencing back in January but for some reason didn't pull the trigger.
Yeah I think cruise lines will get something but it'll come with a lot of stipulations. That's just my opinion and is based off absolutely nothing but my thoughts so take my posts just as so haha

I've had some serious FOMO with companies like zoom and blue apron. I was even preaching online conferencing back in January but for some reason didn't pull the trigger.
Just short everything. Futures down another 5% on the open just now. The market will likely roar back but unless you're averaging down on positions, I think trying to find upside stocks right now is catching a falling knife.

I tried to buy puts on blue apron on Thurs but the volatility was so high that is was almost as cheap to just short the stock.

This market is literally a trader's dream/nightmare.

You can also do it from home!
Bought some BP too.

Big Oil's on sale for an additional reason though - the Saudi-Russian price war.

Dividend yield on oil companies is incredible at present...nearly 15% on BP, 10% on Exxon, etc.

Whether these dividends will last is another question, of course.

Wonder what this will do to insurance stocks. Not to be all grim reaper, but if the oldest/sickest are removed from the books...
Wonder what this will do to insurance stocks. Not to be all grim reaper, but if the oldest/sickest are removed from the books...
It's going to happen.

I'm just being a realist. 0% interest rates and crazy high volatility is just terrible for insurance carriers.

How many of these carriers have exposure to retail commercial REITs? Those are going to get smashed but are typically an allowable investment in a general account.

Won't be pretty. The industry will survive (obviously) but it may get dicey.
I can smell the popcorn

Hey brother, I hope all is well.

Just to be clear, my common sense is the same as always.

I NEVER said that anyone should, or should not go out and sell NOW, as this is a personal decision that we all have to make for ourselves.

I DID state that I do believe the guys who seem to TELL PEOPLE WHAT TO DO, should shut the F^%$ up and stop telling people what to do because again, this is a personal decision that we all have to decide for ourselves.

Things are going to get a lot worse, before they get better. In a few months, none of us may be able to go out and sell.
I was just having some fun with ya! I know where you are coming from.. Making money and working hard, just like always. I think I have only worked 5 or 6 days this year. I was thinking of going out a couple of weeks ago and now this virus brought things to a screeching halt. That and I am 65 with 9 stints. But that's ok my lung is doing fine!

All kidding aside, I too think this thing is going to get much worse before it gets better. We are very fortunate. Too many people live pay check to pay check and have no reserves. Probably 90% of FE salesmen live that way. Hell 90% of all salesmen work that way!

I hope you and your lovely wife are doing well and good luck.
Good point, @rousemark ... There is not a politician alive who would be letting the economy go to hell in a hand basket as it is if they didn't think the alternative was far, far worse.
Not true David.. There are plenty that would if they thought they could put the blame on the other side.. Many of them agree with Bill Maher ""I hope for a recession to get rid of Trump. Sorry if that hurts people"". The pols, like him, are all rich folks with a guaranteed income so a recession will not hurt them and may help them get their way..
Not true David.

What office does Bill Maher hold?

Not a politician alive would let the economy go to hell in a hand basket unless the alternative was far worse. The reason is that unless there is something the public sees as worse, that politician will not get re-elected. If the economy were crashing because of excesses in the banking system like 2008, you could stick a fork in Trump right now. He'd be done.

But, since the alternative is millions of dead Americans, if he can minimize the loss of life and convince voters it would have been far worse had acted differently, he'll be a shoe-in.

In fact, that is why we are doing what we are doing. At first Trump thought "no way this virus thing causes a big problem, so I'm going to keep reassuring everyone that we are fine and the economy is strong and it is business as usual."

Once Tucker Carlson of all people flew down to Mar Lago and told Trump "hey, if you don't get ahead of this thing a lot of Americans are going to die and you'll be out of the White House," Trump changed his tune. He is now quite willing to risk short to intermediate term economic ruin in order to prevent mass deaths and therefore take credit for saving us from the virus and winning re-election.

Unless there is a far worse alternative, no politician would let this happen. Remember how Clinton beat Bush: "It's the economy stupid."