Tips From Top Producers To Combat Coronavirus Objections

I like @DayTimer. One of my favorite posters. Looks like he said he blocked you. I see you following him around and quoting him. You know he can't see your posts. Doesn't that make you the troll?

lol he's in every thread bozo, is he not allowed to participate because of one butt kisser that likes every post has him blocked for calling him out?
lol he's in every thread bozo, is he not allowed to participate because of one butt kisser that likes every post has him blocked for calling him out?

I saw @goillini52 say @DayTimer has has you blocked. You do the same thing the other girl scouts do. Follow him around to get him to buy a box of cookies from you. Though he can't see you. You're just another weirdo who can't let go. You part of that same agency I guess. Great place to work.
lol he's in every thread bozo, is he not allowed to participate because of one butt kisser that likes every post has him blocked for calling him out?

Back in the 80's we telemarketed out of a phone book. I'll never forget one of the names. Bozo Vukobratovich. I tried to call a couple of times but I couldn't say his name without laughing, so I never called him. :laugh:
They loved me and let me go, and now that I haven't come back, they must hunt me down and kill me. You don't have to stick up for though I appreciate it. That they are obsessed with me says all anyone has to know about them - that I am much more important to them than they are to me lol
Say what? If the LOVED you, why did they let you go? :skeptical: