To Blog or Not To Blog ?

Ive read good reviews about askiment. You don't have to worry much about legitimate comments being blocked. It can still let a few spam comment through - but the margin of error is small.
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FYI for those of you looking for the wordpress anti-spam plugin: the correct spelling is "akismet". No matter how you spell it, it works wonders!

You'll also want to make sure you keep your wordpress install up-to-date as there's the constant cat-and-mouse game of finding and plugging holes between spam-hackers and wordpress developers. If you're running your blog at, you don't have to worry about this.
heheh! Thanks Aaron for the clarification. Any spam blocker you could recommend for blogspot or livejournal users?
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...If you're running your blog at, you don't have to worry about this.

More or still need to click on the "update wordpress" button if, and when, they make updates :laugh: Wordpress rocks. We've hired someone to help us maintain and manage our blog, saving LOTS of headaches - check them out at