To Blog or Not To Blog ?

"If you decide to get Premium Analytics account, then you could also find out if Putin will become a member of your association"

Val...Fortunately, it is against our bylaws to let him in.

Section 5 Page 36 Paragraph 3 reads in part: "This Association, as described within, shall not allow membership to any person with a last name rhyming with Manson, Rasputin or Borg"
Blogs are good if you can promote it.
I'm of the view that blogs should be used to leverage your existing client base and up sell, cross sell, etc.
If someone's already expressed an interest in what you have to offer, or have already gave you money, it makes sense to stay in touch with them and empower them with news, tips, insights, etc.
If you come across as an authority on the subject you are talking about, and that you can add genuine value to your readers, and if you promote the blog to get it READ, then it will convert to sales.
So, I think there has to be a methodical campaign for your blog.
"It's important to ask for feedback"
That's one thing I know I need to work on.
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"... it's nice to take a break from the usual blogging schedule and present something fun for your readers"

Now that...I'm good at. Useless drivel is my forte.
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I know that InsureMe used to run a consumer insurance blog run by full time copywriters but they eventually shut the blog down (they still run an agent blog) just because they said that they got hardly any leads from the blog.
Blog platforms are a great way to add a second niche based site.

Say you offer all forms of personal lines insurance, you could use a Wordpress site to create a separate blog for health insurance or life insurance. That site could then be totally focused on a single product or service, and it is easier for Google to know what that one site is about.

Having a second site gives you more bites of the cherry with Google.

Wordpress since version 2.7 has become more like a fully functional Content Management System. The added benefit that lots of people don't see is that you can preload content onto it. So if you have a slow day you can write 5 or 6 pages and stagger them to go live over the next few weeks.

If you are posting once a week, you can prewrite 52 posts on topic and then job done. They don't have to be long posts either. 100 - 400 on topic words will sort your blog content and marketing for a whole year!
