100+ Post Club
I hate to sound like a broken record as I recently asked a similar question on the LTC board, since I recently became independent and will be incorporating our planning practice I am passionate about surrounding me and my staff with the best support teams possible for all the planning areas I work in.

For Mass and Guardian I am in the process of getting directly contracted with local GA's but I was wondering for blue-collar stuff who is the best IMO/BGA for the likes of Illinois Mutual ect
Hi there

"The Best" is relative to each situation. Since you have variations from carrier to carrier and even within the same carrier with changes from State to State, the question is a bit more difficult to answer. In addition, you have some brokerage agency's who service disability insurance ranging from "yes we do it, let me dust off the brochures so I can help you", to agencies which are in the trenches daily for disability insurance.

Fortunately there are fewer wrong answers than right answers. Most of what it comes down to is trust and relationships.

One stratagy would be to align yourself with someone who knows the markets, represents enough variation of carriers to service a wide range of situations and who you feel confident in.

I know this did not "answer" the quesiton, but hopefully it helps.

Good luck!