Totally new- being recruited by farmers

I have spent time as a producer for a Farmers Agency, with the arrangement that I would learn commercial, build a book of business and then break away from that agency and have my own Farmers agency. I built a decent book of business, that stopped growing when their rates tanked. In the beginning you are told that Farmers products are easy to sell and competitive, nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is I was faced with a choice of taking my book of business and opening a Farmers Agency, where I could potentially go into a ton of debt and not make a decent living, or start an independent agency. I chose to go independent.

One of the big attractions to Farmers, is that there is a sense of support and security. Talk to an agent who has been around for a while and they will tell you that there is no support, you are on your own. In that case, why obligate your self to only farmers?

Just wanted to say thanks to the advice everyone has given me here so far. On the question of the interview, the agency hasn't returned my calls since the DM's assistant went on, and returned from, vacation. I'm going to call a few more times, but I don't think I'll push it. I'm not sure I want to feel that I'm under duress to get three sales a day every day just to keep on my feet. From what I've learned here, it sounds like any of my time would be better spent pursuing my own licenses and learning the business on my own.

It also sounds like Life and Health are much more lucrative early on than other avenues. Am I thinking clearly on that matter?
When did SAIS go up to $100 a month? I thought they were $25. Still to much if you ask me, but I pay it for some of my off the wall markets that I don't normally write.

SafeCo will help you out in the beginning. I just had a guy try to get signed up through SafeCo here in Arkansas and they would not appoint a new agent at this time because they had an over-saturation of agents in the area already. Your best bet would find an agency locally and try to sign up through them, if the fore-mentioned advice does not work. Happy Hunting and good luck....
Thanks for the advice. My business is pretty much all internet based and I work from home so I think it am going to have a tough time finding a P&C co that will allow me to continue functioning this way.
My 2 cents - I'm a new agent too, just getting up and running and started doing cold calling / leads. (Actually telemarketing businesses) At the end of the day we are really salesmen. My thought was - Why sell for someone else and give them a cut? None of them seem to really give you anything you can't get right here on this forum.

2nd, point. If you are a captive, the company pays you and not the agency you are apointed with, the company owns your clients! Your book of business is an asset. Some day you could sell that asset.

Can anyone correct me if my thinking is wrong here??