- 17,077
I'm a couple months into this now and at first I called my leads and made appointments. I didn't do great but I made enough to pay the bills that way. Calling and setting appointments is what I'm used to.
My IMO told me that's dumb and that I need to go visit and door knock instead so I tried that. Well, I have fallen flat onto my face doing this!!!
Nobody comes to the door this way. And I don't blame them, either. I never answer my own door when it's someone I don't recognize and am not expecting. I'm sure they're doing the same thing.
I'm very tempted to go back to MY way of doing this and telling my IMO to kick rocks with their way of thinking and let me do this the way I want to do this. After all, my way was more successful than their way. I ate when I did it my way but now I'm starving trying to do it their way.
Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas? Has anyone else ever had this issue of appointment setting working better than door knocking?
I'm getting very frustrated!
Uplines that tell you to not call your leads and set appointments fall into three categories (my opinion of course).
1. They don't know how to set appointments themself
2. They are selling you really old leads as new or some sort of less quality lead
3. A few of them are just ignorant and do not understand the advantages
If you are running NEW direct mail leads, you should be calling and setting your appointments. For a lot of reasons.
1. It's a much more efficient use of your time.
2. Your head is in a much better place when you set out in the morning with 8 set appointments
3. Your appointments have a VERY different tone when it was an EXPECTED meeting that your prospect agreed to the day before and scheduled at a convenient time for them rather than a door knock which is an unexpected interruption in their day. (This is a HUGE reason to set appointments)
4. It's more professional
5. The argument that you will "burn through your leads" is nonsense and is usually pitched by uplines that are trying to get you to work re-sold leads. No one has ever burned a lead by calling it. It's still there. You are still going to door knock them if they don't set an appointment or don't answer. But the ones that DO answer and DO set an appointment are the cream in your stack of leads. You just got to them faster.
At my agency (FexContracting.com) we have around 100 agents buying our direct mail leads weekly. Of that 100, around 85 or more of them call and set their appointments. Of that 85 close to 50 of those agents will earn company conventions every year. Several of them will earn multiple company conventions.
I use company conventions as a measurement of success because the insurance companies don't give away convention trips with unverified numbers. Anybody can claim anything on forums or agency leaderboards but when an agent goes to convention you KNOW that he at least sold the numbers to get there.
I was a strong believer in door knocking (not appointment setting) when I was a field agent. I had to be convinced that appointment setting is better. I'm here to tell you, it is. The agents working in an efficient manner can do in three field days what took me six days to do.
Now with all that said I'm also a believer that you should buy in 100% into the Upline/mentor that you choose to be under. As long as you vetted him before you chose to go under him and he sells the kind of numbers that you want to get to. And he has earned many company conventions himself. You should buy in 100% to his teachings and block out all other noise that will mess your brain up.
If you are under one of those pyramid recruiters/builders that is recruiting agents and is still within his first three years of selling insurance (there are hundreds of these guys out there now days) then ignore the above paragraph and do the opposite. Just smile and nod when he talks and don't let any of that gibberish pollute your brain.
That's my opinion anyway. I'm always open to discussion.
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