Trump still doesn't have a plan to replace Obamacare

We still don't know what Kamala is for, we do know that Tulsi Gabbard and Robert Kennedy are both in the Know with the behind the scenes Democrat party, but RAN AWAY.

Everyone on the planet know's that Joe Biden hasn't and isn't running this country and if Kamala gets in she won't either. Today we will find out how much the feds will cut interest rates, my guess is .50. We have been lied to about job growth and the economy, we have been lied to about crime statistics and we have been lied to about illegal immigration!
Dan Dan lol that's the fall back, we need new stuff, like stone Flynn and green are really all not males
Now MAGA is upset…saying it's political it was cut so much. Mr. Concept will bitch about it in 3…2…1…
