Trump still doesn't have a plan to replace Obamacare

“Do you want the Black President or the White President”

- Donald “Totally not racist” Trump

You all should be ashamed for supporting this pile of trash

Most MAGAm consciously or unconsciously, support Trump because he makes their racism ok again. That is what the "America First" and Make America Great Again" mean: Make America safe to be openly racist again.
Most MAGAm consciously or unconsciously, support Trump because he makes their racism ok again. That is what the "America First" and Make America Great Again" mean: Make America safe to be openly racist again.
What are you talking about? It's absolutely safe to be openly racist in America and it has nothing to do with Trump.

You can require your employees to take trainings about how essential it is to view/judge/treat people as members of a race vs as individuals.

You can establish racial preferences in policies for distributing life-saving treatments/medications. In policies for practically everything, really. If someone calls you out on it, THAT person is more likely to take heat than you are.

You can factor race into hiring/promotion decisions, openly, and no one will do anything. You can even brag about racially-engineering your workforce and receive praise for it. In fact, there's a chance you'll end up in court if you DON'T do this.

You can write a best-selling book about how uncomfortable you are around certain races and how you're worried about incompetence when they're in charge. You might even receive 5-figure speaking fees to talk about it afterwards.

You can declare, openly and proudly, that it's unfair for people of various races to be held to the same standards.

You can openly claim dubious motivations in people who date/marry outside their race.

We could go on and on with this. There are only 2 possible counters here. First is that what I'm describing isn't racism, but that's ridiculous as it obviously is. The second is that it's good/necessary racism, but then you're saying racism is necessary and good while accusing your opponents of wanting to be racist.