Trump still doesn't have a plan to replace Obamacare

MAGA wants blanket immunity for the police. They're all a bunch of boot lickers.

If they were to rewatch Smokey and the Bandit today they'd be rooting for the sheriff Buford T Justice and getting pissed off that the Bandit "just won't comply."

I do back the blue. It's just a shame that 99% of the cops in this country give the rest a bad name.
I’m not a racist but Trump is.
You may want to have an honest talk with yourself.
I think he would like to kick all blacks out that don’t vote for the dictator.

Your racial bias is showing. I believe it was Biden that felt comfortable reclassifying Blacks that did not vote for him. Same as as the Democrats did for Obama. Oh, and calling General Powell a House "boy". You guys just can't shake that plantation owner mentality.

Here is Obama