Trump still doesn't have a plan to replace Obamacare

"Racist" in today's use is just a catch all slur thrown out by soft people that don't understand it because they have never lived it. Nor really seen it.

Not saying you're a racist but this is the type of shit racists say.. and yes I have lived through racism, one of my earliest memories was skinheads calling my grandma a n*****. How about being told to go back to Iraq after 9/11?

Am I allowed to opine whether something is racist or not?
That is absolutely incorrect. That is how socialism 'works', not democracy. But I'm not here to offer a Civics 101 refresher. I also understand that you cannot change your mind.
Money buys power only under dictatorships. All men are created equal and are granted equal rights under the Constitution.
The average net profit margin for a retailer in the US is .5-3%. Sales tax in the US is between 5-8%. Who is the price gouger?

Who really needs the price controls is big government that needs to be gutted like a stuffed hog ... let's give another $100,000,000 to nonprofits to help people enroll in Medicare

That has nothing to do with the point I made.

If we have been willing to regulate the price of food at the farming level for the past 120 years.

Why would we not be willing to regulate the price of food at the retail level?
So where's the traitors plan? You admit Obamacare is a piece of shit. OK....where is his plan to replace it?

He doesn't have one and never will because he's losing in 53 days...1265 hours.

Here's his prize possession....the whack job herself....saying 9/11 was an inside job....

Commies, after completely destroying under-65 private insurance ((looks at other side))....."WELL...what are YOU gonna do to fix this????"

Yup, you definitely are a Kamala voter. The jokes literally write themselves. 🤣
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Commies, after completely destroying under-65 private insurance ((looks at other side))....."WELL...what are YOU gonna do to fix this????" Yup, you definitely are a Kamala voter. The jokes literally write themselves. 🤣
Commies, after completely destroying under-65 private insurance ((looks at other side))....."WELL...what are YOU gonna do to fix this????" Yup, you definitely are a Kamala voter. The jokes literally write themselves. 🤣
Incredible come back and 1,000,000% true