Trump's health care executive order: Pros & Cons For Agents & Consumers

Looks like many of us qualify to set up an AHP ourselves, with a free carribbean trip:

"Any *** with a word processor can create an association in 10 minutes and market it to small employers and individuals who certify that they are self-employed," Mr. Machiz said. "The employers and individuals will pay premiums. By the time they discover they've been sold a fraudulent product, the promoter will be on his way to the Caribbean."

Trump Proposes New Health Plan Options for Small Businesses

And AHIP is against new competition of course, where were they as CHM's have proliferated and caused the same uneven playing field.

AHIP said it's concerned that association plans would be less likely to cover higher-risk populations, which would cause an imbalance in the risk pool, and premiums would rise. AHIP is also concerned that the lack of regulation of association health insurance plans would create an uneven playing field in the traditional ObamaCare-regulated marketplace.

Largest US insurance trade group opposes Trump's new health proposal
Underwriting is a form of price competition. Insurance by definition is supposed to spread claims among All enrolled. Anyone living in this country has access to our healthcare system and needs to pay into it. I wouldn't allow adverse selection into underwritten plans and be stuck with only the sickies. Carriers won't allow it either. Adverse selection is one thing tanking ACA.