UCT has a great lead program

we do not offer plan d here in this state but we do offer plan g --and i guess again here in wyoming we say things differently -- im not a big city person -- no this is not home health care but it is where an rn will come to the home and help out when needed.. that is what is explained to the clients.. as long as the doctor has ordered it and it is medicare approved..

I definitely don't know the Wyoming area, but according to the Medicare website, there are 21 carriers that offer Plan D in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Now I understand that the Medicare website may have some inaccurate information, but I doubt very seriously they have inaccurate information on 21 carriers.

And as for saying things differently in Wyoming, the judge and jury don't care.

All I heard in your post to Kyle was justification for what others see as borderline greed and abuse. Kyle was simply pointing out some areas where you could improve. It's called constructive criticism. And then you get defensive when someone points it out. If you sleep well at night knowingly doing business that way, more power to you. I love when I come across an agent who has done something similar to what you're doing. It turns out to be a pretty easy sale for me.
Ok maybe I should of said in other words

the carriers that I am appointed with do not offer medicare supplement PLAN D in my area

and for constructive criticism -- yes i can take it -- i get it here all the time --- I have learned thru trial and error myself and from this board.

and if you are talking borderline greed and abuse -- give me a break -- I do what is best for my clients -- i have a book of over 700 sets of seniors -- i have not had any complaints -- and I save them money every day -- I get birthday cards, thank you cards and calls all the time just to say Hi how ya doin -- so if i wasnt doing something right -- i wouldnt be called the part d lady would I?
and of course i dont have anything against Kyle and what he said -- I have talked with Kyle over the phone and he is a great guy
all i am saying what works in some places may not work in others...
and what may be good for some seniors may not be good for others..
and if you feel like coming on over to rural Wyoming
pleased to meet ya ---
I am moving to Ohio soon and i will be keeping my Wyoming customer base...
Congrats on the 700 seniors base, Mary. That's a lot of hustling. Don't know how you've done it with a sick family, but more power to you.
Mary, I admire that you have stuck it out here. As the saying goes "behold the tortoise, he never makes progress until he sticks his neck out!" You have certainly exposed yourself to the pundits with your posts. I for one, have no problem understanding your comments (even the apples and oranges :twitchy: ). What you have rightly denoted is that anyone that ventures to post on this board stands the risk of running the gauntlet of those who can't resist the opportunity to slap a coup on you. (I say this because I suppose you are familiar with the old Indian sport, you being from Wyoming). It does seem childish at times, and certainly not virtuous, but the sport nevertheless survives childhood.

May God bless you in your efforts in Ohio.
Policy -- again if it wasnt for this board and all of the encouragement i had gotten -- and with the previous insurance board -- it wouldnt' of happened - as with the sick family -- its the only way i have my sanity is to get out of this house -- I spoke with the doc on thursday and they are supposed to let me know monday if we have another surgery for him
but for now he is permanently disabled -- he was told from his military doctor that he will never return to work again... at least he was able to get his 20 years in for the retirement.. they are talking permanent nerve damage --

and Retread
thank you for your kind replies -- i appreciate it --
Have you guys ever heard of the Secret?
go to www.thesecret.tv/
a close friend of mine told me about this and I have been using the concept...
I don't know - I'm with Kyle on this one. Been mislead by Mary before - do your homework on everything in your home state before making any contractual moves. That's all I'll say about it.
Kyle, you are exactly correct.

Mary, you need to educate yourself about Med Supp policies and the benefits provided by Medicare.

You stated that Plan F does not provide Home Health Care, twice. I'm sitting here looking at the benefits provided by Medicare Part B. This is not a benefit that is only provided by some Med Supp policies and not others. It is a benefit provided by Medicare. It states in the "Medicare and You" guide book, 2006 edition on page 7 the following,

"Home Health Care: Limited to reasonable and necessary part-time or intermittent skilled nursing care and home health aide services as well as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language services that are ordered by your doctor and provided by a Medicare-certified home health agency. Also includes medical social services, durable medical equipment (Such as wheelchairs, hospital beds, oxygen, and walkers), medical supplies, and other services."

If that isn't Home Health care what do you call it? Sure sounds like Home Health Care to me.

Plans D & G provide "At Home Recovery" as well as "Home Health Care". At Home Recovery is not readily available unless the person has been cut off Medicare Home Health Care. Are you really telling your clients that they can receive both Home Health Care and At Home Recovery at the same time and that they also need additional coverage? If so then where is he "gap" in home health care that isn't filled by Medicare and a Med Supp policy?

You better call the insurance company and ask them when a policy holder can use the "At Home Recovery" benefit because I don't think you know.

In my opinion anyone who sells any kind of additional coverage to a person on Medicare who also has a Medicare Supplement Policy is only looking to line their pockets.

The combination of Medicare and a Medicare Supplement Policy will pay all of their medical expenses. The only exception will be the Part B deductible if they don't have either Plan C or F. (Neither of which I could recommend with a clear conscious unless Plans C or F were substantially less expensive than either a D or G.) Especially since you said Plan G was only $55 per month in WY.

You really think you are saving people money, or are you convincing they they can make money by selling them additional coverage that they pay a monthly premium for? Wow, they really do do things differently in WY.

The agents I know here in Missouri would not use scare tactics to load a client with additional policies to cover fictitious expenses that would not be covered by Medicare and a Medicare Supplement Policy.

Regarding Med Supp Policies you stated the following in previous posts:

Mary, you posted on 2/6/07 at 7:27 pm the following.
i understand that i am in wyoming and it is different in every state -- that is certainly a very big difference in prices everywhere ---

"my thing is if -- a senior is paying 300 dollars a month for a medsup -- that is 3600 a year -- when you have a max out of pocket per year with a medadvantage plan is 3k --- and if you are their to help your senior along -- if they need help with doctors offices etc etc -- my feeling is that -- thats my job"

Mary, you also posted on 3/8/07 at 4:15 pm the following.
"you can get a part f plan here in wyoming for 79 dollars a month
a part g i believe is 55 --either part f or part g -- I would still supplement it with the care product -- it pays home health care where as part f does not -- so if you sign a customer up for the care plan with a part g product -- it can also take care of that deductable...." (Refer again to the above statement from the Medicare Guide book regarding the Home Health Care provided by Medicare.)

That is a huge difference in the premiums for Med Supp policies. In a month Med Supp policies went from $300 per month to only $55 per month.

Why would you sell them an MA plan with a $3,000 out of pocket max when they can buy a Med Supp Plan G for only $55 per month and have all their expenses covered with no out of pocket max except the $131 Medicare Part B deductible? I repeat, there is no need for additional policies with Medicare and a Med Supp policy.
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You have 700+ clients and for that you should be commended...great work.
I do not think you have been misleading anyone here just misinformed a little bit and I want to help not attack. I realize you are carrying a heavy burden with your family right now and I hope we are not adding to that burden but are being helpful. I think you handle the criticism on here pretty good really.