UHL Calling Me on Contestable Claim. NEED ADVICE!

Whats amazing is Uhl does a phone interview.Why are they calling you when the deceased himself answered the questions to the interviewer? Its frightening how easy it is for these co's to twist and turn the questions on the app and say the client lied.
I'd ask them to submit their questions in writing and mail them to me like all the rest of the carriers do. I hate talking to carriers anyway (unless they are talking about paying me). If a carrier calls asking about a pending requirement on a recent app then I will gladly answer their questions over the phone. But if they start asking questions about a policy that was issued many months ago, and could potentially mean chargeback for me...then I'd rather tell them to mail the questions (or call me on my office day). I would hate to answer a question over the phone only to recall important details later on after the call has ended. I would prefer to answer when its convenient for me and I've had a chance to review all my notes and a copy of the original application. When I've filled out those questionnaires in the past, I always take my time and answer truthfully making sure to only answer the question exactly as asked. No need to be nervous if you did the right thing from the beginning.
Ok here is the news I got a few days ago. Sorry it took a little time to post on here and let everyone know. So here it is and not good. DENIED! They denied the payout, are rescinding the policy, and I am stuck with one big huge chargeback! I read through the response about 10 times. IMHO it is garbage. How can anyone twist and turn answers so you can justify denying a claim? What incentive do I have to use UHL again?...NONE!!!! ABSOLUTELY NONE. ZERO! ZILCH! CYA!!
Ok here is the news I got a few days ago. Sorry it took a little time to post on here and let everyone know. So here it is and not good. DENIED! They denied the payout, are rescinding the policy, and I am stuck with one big huge chargeback! I read through the response about 10 times. IMHO it is garbage. How can anyone twist and turn answers so you can justify denying a claim? What incentive do I have to use UHL again?...NONE!!!! ABSOLUTELY NONE. ZERO! ZILCH! CYA!!

I received the very same letter yesterday about a claim. In this case they appear to have pretty solid evidence that some things were shall we say contradictory. Either way it's a $900 chargeback that I'm not thrilled about. Can't blame the carrier though. They have to count their pennies just like us.
Ok here is the news I got a few days ago. Sorry it took a little time to post on here and let everyone know. So here it is and not good. DENIED! They denied the payout, are rescinding the policy, and I am stuck with one big huge chargeback! I read through the response about 10 times. IMHO it is garbage. How can anyone twist and turn answers so you can justify denying a claim? What incentive do I have to use UHL again?...NONE!!!! ABSOLUTELY NONE. ZERO! ZILCH! CYA!!

Big, huge? How much was it? Don't forget, the people that buy FE often lie on applications because in their minds they believe that if a carrier says "approved", then they pulled one over on the carrier. Then if they die during the constable period the carrier discovers their lie and doesn't pay the claim. It's nothing personal, it's business. You would do the same thing if it were your money. I hate to break the news to you but this is not limited to only UHL. Dumping UHL might make you feel better, but it won't solve your problem. All of them will do this.
The way questions are written theres a ton of wiggle room for the insurer to get out of paying in the first 2 yrs. Its really that simple