Underground Elephant Leads

You are absolutely correct, FL P&C Broker, and I certainly cannot make the claim that my system is somehow "perfect" in that way.

We are just of the belief that doing things the way that we do is a cleaner process, and puts our clients in a better position. If consumers go to multiple sites, we certainly cannot control that. What we can control is how the consumer makes it to our site, and what we do with their information once they enter it on our site.

Thank you!
Also, another thing to consider, is that you said you sell to two different agencies and not two different agents.

We all know that each agency can distribute that lead to more than one agent, so the lead buying independent agent is never really sure if his lead has been distributed to 1,2,3 or more other agents under each agency. Please correct me if I'm wrong!
Hi Steve!

The way that we define the lead sales process is that we will only sell a lead a max of two times, and both of those sales have to be end users, or licensed insurance operations.

If that client is indeed an agency, then they could have multiple licensed producers work that lead for them.

Does that answer your question? Might be easier to discuss on the phone.

Thanks Steve!
I think some of these things are starting to nitpick. As a consumer for the leads, yes I'd like to know that the people could also be putting their leads elsewhere based on their shopping habits.

As for the lead being sold twice, that's great. If they are agencies, they can do what they want with it. I think we're starting to split hairs on the lead system when talking about what the agencies do for it after purchase.

You sell it once or twice depending on the lead, and that is what you do. You have your own marketing so you know when it comes from your source to POS no one else has it, but the client probably went elsewhere and put their lead out there depending on their activities.

Sound about right?
Thanks for the call, but POST your policies. You aren't doing this just to sell to me are you? I mean, I flaterred but isn't the idea to get more than one agent?

Post your stuff. IF it works I will call you.

Not trying to be mean, but I'm kinda busy.
Hi LGilmore,

You got it!

Pricing: Auto Leads-$10 shared (max two times sold) $18 Exclusive

Life: $15 shared (max two times sold) $25 Exlcusive

Health: $6 Shared (max two times sold) $12 Exclusive

Our refund policy is pretty simple: If a lead is deemed "bad" then you do not pay for it.

Simple definitions would be:
1. Disconnected, fax, or wrong phone number
2. Invalid Email address
3. Consumer disavowing an insurance quote request (rare for us, but can happen)
4. Outside of specified geographical territory

Those are the standard reasons. If something would ever come up outside of those reasons, all you would need to do is talk with our Account Management folks, and we can work it out!

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You are on top of it! your interpretations of how our system works are spot on!
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Hi LGilmore,

You got it!

Pricing: Auto Leads-$10 shared (max two times sold) $18 Exclusive

Life: $15 shared (max two times sold) $25 Exlcusive

Health: $6 Shared (max two times sold) $12 Exclusive

Our refund policy is pretty simple: If a lead is deemed "bad" then you do not pay for it.

Simple definitions would be:
1. Disconnected, fax, or wrong phone number
2. Invalid Email address
3. Consumer disavowing an insurance quote request (rare for us, but can happen)
4. Outside of specified geographical territory

Those are the standard reasons. If something would ever come up outside of those reasons, all you would need to do is talk with our Account Management folks, and we can work it out!

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You are on top of it! your interpretations of how our system works are spot on!

Do you have aged leads for sale, and if so how much for 3-90 days?
emptyeternity said:
Do you have aged leads for sale, and if so how much for 3-90 days?

Unfortunately aged leads is not a market we are interested in at this time.

We feel that our product offers plenty of value in real time and if we were to re sell it days later we would hurt our clients chances of writing business.

Thank you for the inquiry!
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VolAgent said:
Any vendor selling aged leads 3 days later doesn't deserve a bit of business on real time leads.

I agree! Not something we have an interest in.
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Why would I pay $15 dollars per lead when they still are shared? I get 3.5 netquote high risk life leads that are only shared by up to 4 agents. I usually get 2-3 a day, and so far I have written 2 with one application waiting on decision with only 20 ordered so far.