Uninsured Can Enroll Through April 30, 2015


Just the usual amount of referrals based on job loss.

I'm with you, haven't even heard of an associate writing one.

We pushed to get it all done by the deadline, and were largely successful. We haven't had people coming out of the woodwork.
And now we know why it's so slow. Not that I didn't expect it or want it, but it seems the low hanging fruit has been picked, now it's agent vs agent vs HC.gov reps to battle over existing clients on the books. Best hope your client doesn't talk with me :twitchy:

Many Uninsured Choose Penalty Over Enrollment Offer Under Health Law - WSJ

Only 12% of uninsured people would buy policies if informed of the penalty, according to a survey of 3,000 adults polled through Feb. 24 by McKinsey & Co.'s Center for U.S. Health System Reform.
I have not seen much volume with this Tax Penalty SEP. Curious what others are seeing.

I wrote two short-term: one guy may have a new job in August so he's waiting it out. And I had another lady also decide to go with a short-term rather than pay the high premiums. She will look at it again Jan. 1, 2016 when the penalty goes up yet again. I have the usual referrals calling, but no great rush of business...which is fine with me.

I still have not seen much, which is fine with me. Quality and volume tends to trail off thru AEP anyway. In the last part of AEP, you are typically getting those who "have to get insurance." Early in AEP, you get those who want it and are willing to pay for it. That business tends to stick longer.

I agree with those above that this special AEP business is likely not going to be very committed.
April 1, 2015

The first 15 days of the Tax-SEP enrollment was way below expectations. We all knew this would be the case, but the Media and Pro-ACA "experts" are scratching their heads.

Story: Few sign up during 'special' Obamacare enrollment

These arrogantly ignorant dimwits think that 11.7 million uninsured folks enrolled during O.E. and that the wave would continue during the Tax-SEP!