Uninsured Can Enroll Through April 30, 2015

I guess we all read things differently. I wasn't implying anything about complaining, I was agreeing with you that the fact is there truly are people out there that did not know that had to have health insurance last year and they live under a rock. I can't believe with all the news venue's there are today that many still don't know.
I call this the "I live under a rock" SEP :)

I'm finding that the "Living Under A Rock" applies particularly to ATPC Subsidies being available to reduce the premium. Uninsured people seem to be totally oblivious to this for some reason. Two sole-proprietors that I enrolled today were planning on staying uninsured...but paying the penalty/tax/fine got their interest. They were shocked that the government ATPC enabled them to purchase good quality health insurance for $250'ish a month.

HHS announced today that the uninsured rate has decreased by a substantial 30% since 2012.
Ref: http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/201...are-cut-the-ranks-of-the-uninsured-by-a-third
That still leaves 25 million or so who need coverage.

They be lined up at Wallmart H & R Block..out a the way i gotta get my shopping cart thru..
They still are within the 90 day window to return that Christmas flat screen TV to come up with funds pay the penalty or pay their insurance premium.
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