United Health Care Cuts Agents Throats

I get a raise. From $1.50 to $3.00 per app. I don't know where to invest my fortunate windfall.
Actually, it has everything to do with capitalism. The govt. holds the purse strings and keeps insurance companies from competing fairly, as they would in a real capitalistic society.

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Actually, it has everything to do with capitalism. The govt. holds the purse strings and keeps insurance companies from competing fairly, as they would in a real capitalistic society.


Bingo! I think that with the most recent changes to the Medicare Advantage program carriers are deciding that in some areas it's commissions as usual, in some areas they're completely closing shop, and in others they realize they're profitable or at least sustainable if they can save some cash by not paying commissions on their enrollments. Another reason why companies will do that is to let the risk pool clear up a bit if they've had some adverse selection, but at the end of the day even the carriers with the best intentions (not claiming that UHC is one) get knocked sideways with changes the government is mandating and it forces them to do things they wouldn't have otherwise. I think congress is a terrible business partner.
If memory serves me right last few years commissions were reduced in certain counties nationwide. I want to name Universal American and Coventry as some of the offenders.

Anyone remember that? The point being this is an unstable product in sooo many ways.

Don't hitch your star to this wagon!
If memory serves me right last few years commissions were reduced in certain counties nationwide. I want to name Universal American and Coventry as some of the offenders.

Anyone remember that? The point being this is an unstable product in sooo many ways.

Don't hitch your star to this wagon!

Indeed they did. Pryamid had a 50% commission reduction in the most populous county near me. They had a 75% reduction in some counties. In that same 50% reduction county, Wellcare was paying $240 vs $400 elsewhere.

I am so glad to be out of that market.