United Health Care - Opting Out of Most Exchanges!

The list of states provided above is great. While I'm not looking for anyone to spin their wheels gathering data, it would be interesting to see enrollment per state as a proportion of total in each state. I'm guessing they really never hit scale in most of the states. As an example, in NH, the one company that is having a hard time and ceased enrolling in December has 9% of the total individuals enrolled in Marketplace plans. While United wants to spin this as evil Obamacare there is likely much to blame internally on poor pricing, marketing, etc.

Here's your morning caffeine, maybe you'll pick up on the bad spin:

While UnitedHealth pulls the plug on Obamacare, data shows where and why it failed - LA Times
Looks like they did reasonably well in the states where they sold 1 or fewer policies. Perhaps the other carriers can learn from that.
Then I sold 100% of all UHC policies in AZ. No competition I guess

:D Oddly I wonder if all they are counting are policies that completed the full 12 month term or if they are taking into consideration those policies that were in place for part of the year.

Reason I'm bringing this up is that we had 5 UHC policies written in AZ, none of which stayed on for the entire 12 months or were 11 or 10 month policies.
0 members, also reported as 0000 members, in VA that generated $10,000 in premiums

Oregon also had 0 members (AKA 0000 members) for $0,000 in premiums with $3,000 in losses.
