United Health Care - Opting Out of Most Exchanges!

We may hear of a few more carriers throwing in the towel over the next month in selected states.


Where and when it starts to get interesting (that time is upon us) is where a county - for example- only has two carriers and one of them is UHC and then the other carrier also pulls out at some point soon. Then what? Plenty of that coming up. Of course Obama will characterize this as the evil insurance companies that are cherrypicking and capitalism is el sucko and so on and so forth. He is the same clown who promoted Crockcare by arguing that in some places people only had one or two choices and he was going to fix that.

And the lack of choice caused by the collapse of the system plays right into the hands of She-Who-Said-We-Needed-A-Public-Option who is about to be elected unless she loses in the FBI Primary (doubtful, a quick plea at worst). And yes I understand the knee-jerk response about how we will never have a public option and I don't disagree with that. The dems are making great progress toward getting everyone on Medicaid who votes for them so I doubt that they want to go backward and worry their pretty little minds about complicated stuff like public options either. They want to promote choice and they consider free shiite to be a very attractive choice, which it is. And, of course, that trajectory also works for the Copenhagen wing of the party led by Bernie.

Change you can believe in.
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From: Do we need an odometer for UnitedHealthcare State Dropouts? | ACASignups.net

"Posted on Wed, 04/20/2016 - 1:00pm

UnitedHealthcare is operating on the ACA exchanges in 34 states this year. I assumed that they'd announce which states they were staying in or dropping out of all at once during yesterday's quarterly earnings conference call, but apparently not. Instead, the status of each state has been dribbling out one by one over the past week or two.

Zachery Tracer is doing a great job of keeping track over at Bloomberg News.

As of this writing, Tracer has the drop-out list up to 22 states, including:
•North Carolina
•Rhode Island
•South Carolina

Meanwhile, the list of states United WILL be available in includes:
•New York
•Virginia (probably...at least, they submitted rate filings for HMOs for 2017)

Still unknown are:
•New Jersey

Count them gone in CA. They've never had a decent footprint there.

AC-they were in the middle of the pack cost wise. What came out in January is that the Compass network in DFW was created out of thin air. And it fell apart when the docs found out they had to see *gasp* Obamacare patients,

Y...whats a renewal? We have to rewrite everyone every year anyway. Im just hoping we have someone to write offering a commission.
I guess I shouldn't plan on renewals.

That's a good point! If UHC withdraws from a state, they cancel all existing plans don't they. For some reason, I was thinking that existing clients could keep their plans.. Guess I'm still suffering PTSD from Obama's ACA lies.
Do we know if this affects their off exchange biz in these states or only on exchange?

They are only speaking to On Ex right now. (But I had the same question. Since they set it up so On and Off are on completely different platforms, they could keep the Off Ex. Or they could tell us they are going to offer Off Ex at 6% and changes their minds 10 days into OEP. Again.)
Count them gone in CA. They've never had a decent footprint there.

AC-they were in the middle of the pack cost wise. What came out in January is that the Compass network in DFW was created out of thin air. And it fell apart when the docs found out they had to see *gasp* Obamacare patients,

Y...whats a renewal? We have to rewrite everyone every year anyway. Im just hoping we have someone to write offering a commission.

I hope UHC's IFPlans will be gone from Illinois too, KGMom. In 2014, they were MIA. In 2015, they were only in 1 county. For 2016, UHC was state-wide, but with that silly Comp ass network you referenced, and premiums so high, prospects would laugh out loud.

Their HARKEN HEALTH subsidiary is staying put though, according to UHC. Harken paid 4% last OE. Hopefully they'll do the same next OE and expand beyond Chicago. Excellent plans and "reasonable" premiums, as ACA premiums go. Might be the only decent carrier on the Illinois exchange for 2017.
The list of states provided above is great. While I'm not looking for anyone to spin their wheels gathering data, it would be interesting to see enrollment per state as a proportion of total in each state. I'm guessing they really never hit scale in most of the states. As an example, in NH, the one company that is having a hard time and ceased enrolling in December has 9% of the total individuals enrolled in Marketplace plans. While United wants to spin this as evil Obamacare there is likely much to blame internally on poor pricing, marketing, etc.
While United wants to spin this as evil Obamacare there is likely much to blame internally on poor pricing, marketing, etc.

How many carriers offering U65 health insurance prior to 2010?

How many made money?

What has changed?

Oh yeah, Obamacare ............