So another thought that I have had on this. Today so many folks who are uninsured just head to the emerg room when they get sick. What will happen to those folks who opt for paying the penalty [tax] and decline being insured, and say in 2015 they get ill... go to that same emerg room with 0 coverage; will they still be seen and treated or turned away?
The EMTLA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act of 1986) requires emergency rooms that participate in Medicare (most ER's in the US) to accept emergency patients without regard to their ability to pay or their insurance. The ER must provide 3 things: screening, emergency care and appropriate transfers. They must also provide stabilizing care and cannot transfer a patient until they are stabilized. Usually the patient is released or transferred to a county hospital or other government facility for those who cannot pay for private health care. If it is NOT an emergency, they are not required to treat you if you cannot pay. Note that this law applies to hospitals, not to clinics, doctor's offices, etc.
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