United Health Care - Opting Out of Most Exchanges!

I think the exchanges were planning to limit web agents (meaning e-health, mostly). But if there is a lot of non-exchange business to write, they could still prosper.

Like pcbinsurance, I wonder if anyone else has any more specific information about e-health's 2014 marketing plan?
fact: yungeons (young people for those that don't speak hick) buy whatever they see online, they do not have the ability to ask proper questions and research due to social media and electronic toys striping their brain of think for themselves cells.... they are not my client, nor yours since the premium rating system screws with their rates so bad, IE 3:1 ratio.

Our clients will be families over 30 just like we sell now,,, a friend of mine used to say when he sold a single person it was the gay bar special...

if we get paid what I think we will then the single person will be nothing more than a drain on our time... its all about turn and burn when this baby blows and spending 1 hour on the phone with a 27 year old or 1 hour with a family of 4... what makes the most sence?
TaterPeeler can always get to the bottom line quickly.

For some reason the most recent news has helped me reach a firm conclusion regarding my business model for the upcoming transition. I'm ready to settle on it and prepare a clearer plan for 2014.

There will be 2 divergent roads - exchange business and non-exchange. I can sell in both, and each will have their own kind of profitability.

  1. Under age 30 and the lower-income will go to the exchange, with few carriers, few products, limited networks, but rich subsidies. Many middle-income families will choose this too. Groups will drop their group plans if many of their employees fit this category.
  2. Higher-income, older or more sophisticated buyers, and those with good group insurance will stay outside the exchange. Groups will keep the group plan or do an HRA if most of their employees fit this category.

This is like the divide between narrow-network $0 premium MAPD or else a larger network supplement that costs a premium. You have to be prepared to sell both, and there's a profit in selling both although the type of compensation is different.
Search on any state in yahoo search, like nebraska health exhange, and you'll see Ehealth at the top. Ehealth will be allowed to sell on the exchange and off, and they are focusing on selling their technology for such exchanges. they backed off being the tech provider for HHS as they saw it as a headache (and a half). I've been listening to their quarterly conf calls, and suggest you do the same. This qtr has not been announced yet. Probably around Feb 25th http://ir.ehealthinsurance.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=198312&p=irol-irhome
You can also search on my past EHTH conf call posts here on the forum

A 3rd avenue will be those deciding to pay the penalty. A nice accident/critical illness plan will give them some protection, for less cost, and the commission will be equivalent to exchange policies
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A 3rd avenue will be those deciding to pay the penalty. A nice accident/critical illness plan will give them some protection, for less cost, and the commission will be equivalent to exchange policies

there is no way to know yet what the comp will be... that's the magic bullet.... and I dontlike telling and I wont by the way tell someone "hey, just buy an accident plan and ci, that will tie you over" nope, wont do it... what if someone get sick/ based on what I have read the enrollment period is well defined and just like when someone goes without a medicare plan post enrollment period they are manure out of luck till next enrollment period....
I won't recommend it, it will be their decision. I'm just providing an alternative after they have made a educated financial decision to not buy insurance on or off the exchange
"There will be 2 divergent roads - exchange business and non-exchange. I can sell in both, and each will have their own kind of profitability."

Could you please clarify? As I understood, you could either be a "navigator" on the exchange or an agent outside the exchange, but not both. Conflict of interest type deal.