United of Omaha Underwriting

Mark my word, there is a reason that MOO made their plan N's GI, and are taking a huge risk by insuring previously uninsurables, and on this forum in about 1-2 years we will hear the moaning and groaning. My guess is that the rates will sky-rocket, and the uninsurables will be stuck paying whatever MOO wants them to. Just my opinion..

Plan F or G, and n are the most plans plan that we are asked to quote

Medicare Supplemental Insurance

medicare insurance, megiap coverage, drug coverage for seniors
American Seniors Medicare Supplemental

Medicare Supplement Insurance
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N Plan near GI has a place in my toolbox. I'll try to make other carriers, other plans, work prior to recommending the N plan. The N plan isn't for everyone. Yet, if my client can save $800 bucks or more they are happy. Very happy!