From what I recall 2 friends of mine are running the outfit from the sales side, Mike Shiomos and Mark Lafavre, I have known these guys for 16 years. Early in my insurance life I was with the Orriginl Design Benefit Plans and the now dead Peter Nauart(sp) Mike ran Texas and Mark ran Dallas. They are good guys they finished off my training and I'm still in this biz after 16 years. However, I dont know squat about who is doing the training now and Mike and Mark are up the food chain with them.

Also, I don't do business with them now as I have no need for their setup although Mark said I could get the highest contract they have. Just dont want someone controling my check of having a copy of the apps.

Expat can commen t further as I think he knows them as well
Hey Je Insurance. I have GA level - advance contracts with GoldenRule/UnitedHealthcare, Aetna, Humana, Vista, Assurant Health and a few others. I've been in the business 3 years, and am located in Fort Lauderdale. I am independent and run business through 3 larger IMO's / GA's. Private message me if you would like more info.

Any Health Brokerage's In South Florida You Would Sign Up With?? Thanx
I am a Florida agent and appointed with American Health Underwriters which has a home office in TX. I feel lucky to work for such great company after starting with Mega. After I got appointed with them they had a meeting in Georgia to teach us all about USHealth which I am appointed with also. It is a full major medical plan. I'm not sure if they have a particular plan only through AHU but it is a great plan. It is the same one you are asking about. It does have an association with it which is SBA. The SBA has an awesome accident plan so it makes it easy to sell any of the plans I have through AHU. It is underwritten by Freedom Life & National Foundation Life Ins. Co. Hope this helps. It has an e pen that you can earn or buy as stated earlier which is really great. I saw the product at the conference I was at when we got appointed. I am also a newer agent though so I hope I gave you the info you were looking for. Just trying to help.
(a member of USHEALTH Group)
A.M.Best #: 06269 NAIC #: 62324 FEIN #: 611096685
3100 Burnett Plaza, 801 Cherry Street, Unit 33
Fort Worth, TX 76102

Phone: 817-878-3300
Fax: 817-878-3672

Best's Ratings
Financial Strength Ratings View Definitions
Rating: B (Fair)
Affiliation Code: g (Group)
Financial Size Category: IV ($5 Million to $10 Million)
Outlook: Stable
Action: Affirmed
Effective Date: April 01, 2008

Issuer Credit Ratings View Definitions
Long-Term: bb
Outlook: Stable
Action: Downgraded
Date: April 01, 2008

* Denotes Under Review Best's Ratings

A good company to stay away from.
The have been in and out of Texas like the proverbial yo-yo.
Each time they return they have a different name.
I'm not sure if they have a particular plan only through AHU but it is a great plan. It is the same one you are asking about. It does have an association with it which is SBA. The SBA has an awesome accident plan so it makes it easy to sell any of the plans I have through AHU. It is underwritten by Freedom Life & National Foundation Life Ins. Co. Hope this helps. It has an e pen that you can earn or buy as stated earlier which is really great.

I'd look into AIG's accident plan or VBA as a back-up. The SBA accident plan is nothing special. What is the commission on the product?
A good company to stay away from.
The have been in and out of Texas like the proverbial yo-yo.
Each time they return they have a different name.

My knowledge of the matter only goes back to 2004. During 2004, Ben Cutler retired from Assurant as chairman/CEO and took the same position with Ascent Assurance. Shortly thereafter, Ascent Assurance was renamed USHealth Group. Ben wanted the name change to closely identify the business name with the business purpose, thus USHealth Group. These were more or less his words, which is first hand information.

Please provide further details regarding the "yo-yo" status. What happened prior to 2004?

My knowledge of the matter only goes back to 2004. During 2004, Ben Cutler retired from Assurant as chairman/CEO and took the same position with Ascent Assurance. Shortly thereafter, Ascent Assurance was renamed USHealth Group. Ben wanted the name change to closely identify the business name with the business purpose, thus USHealth Group. These were more or less his words, which is first hand information.
Please provide further details regarding the "yo-yo" status. What happened prior to 2004?

In the period of 98 to 04, one year they were writing a ton of business in Texas, the next they were gone, or had hibernated, who knows. Apparantly they ran out of money and were bailed out by credit suisse This was around the time the Assurant guy came on with them.
May these links will help you.
I too recently met with US Health Group, and was wondering if anyone could give us the real scoop. Only a handful of a few plans, but just as good as anyone else's out there for the most part. Compared some rates the other day and they are target specific towards the healthy and high deductible, running their rates 10-20% under assurants. No surprise there. The 149$ or 150 isnt for training, its for getting appointed, or at least that's another way of looking at it
:goofy:depending on whom your speaking with. If your looking at em you gotta talk about the stock plan they are looking at taking ipo at the end of 09 based on production, that's the frosting on the cake so they say.

Thing I like and still do, is not everyone and their dog is offering the product, yet, and you wont find their quotes on any major engines. You gotta reach out and touch an agent. So I think it's definitely uniquely positioned to capture some sales, and when 5 agents come calling on every prospect, you wont be offering just the same old same old everyone else is coming through the door with.

This talk about not being able to find info on their policies, rates or caps is a bunch of nonsense. Its available, just gotta look.

Any thoughts?????:yes:
To the poster who was kind enough to post all those free gohealthins links, assuming you don't work for norvax there is no reason to give these guys free backlinks. They are not only your competiton but they are also selling you leads. I have all the brochures at my site should you need any help in this area. ;)