Very new to FE, Three questions.

Because not all are accused or found guilty. Just like saying not all "white men" are rapists. Because not all are charged and found guilty.

Another thing is, the innocent Catholics wants justice for the victims. And who is defending them .

What I am saying is the Catholic Church overall does wonders for the poor. Meet me at Skidrow this Saturday and feed the poor.

Those who criticize religious people may not be doing so well themselves. The hypocrisy card is getting old. Everyone is a hypocrite because if you preach and you are not perfect, then that makes you one.

I am done talking off topic about religion and politics , I am here for questions about insurance and looking for serious people to help
@Jose Arteaga :

I am around the Anaheim area (Disneyland) , but willing to drive 50-100 miles. I can drive to Hollywood or Riverside for appointment . Not sure how many FEX are in so cal.

I will contact you since your number is on website ?