Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Etc..

All of them and you can get a program to post to all at the same time like posterous <- Twitter bought them and will shut them down in April

UPDATE: just looked this up and Founder of Posterous is starting another site called posthaven

I don't use Google + much
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My strategy with this is to look at the profiles of the users of each of these types of site and then match them to who you are targetting. For example, LinkedIn tends to be better for targetting professionals and LinkedIn for general consumers.
I use twitter, Facebook, and just signed up for LinkdIn just started not sure how to use it yet.
My strategy with this is to look at the profiles of the users of each of these types of site and then match them to who you are targetting. For example, LinkedIn tends to be better for targetting professionals and LinkedIn for general consumers.

Thanks for the correction 'chumps from Oxford' - yes I meant 'LinkedIn tends to be better for targeting professionals and Facebook and Twitter for general consumers'.
Only 17% of Indies with premium sales less the $500,000 have a website. A random call to 10 of my friends and not one of them uses an independent agent for any of their insurance (25-30 y/o age range) While this survey was not scientific by any means and while agents can certainly make a good living without a site, I think the demographic trends will see that come to an end in a few years. The site is a must for the 18-35 y/o urban/suburban demographic,

Facebook yields solid PPC results, linkdn has great conversion but poor click rate. As for networking, I love forums & magazine sites
Insurancetechhead said:
Facebook yields solid PPC results

I strongly distrust fb's ppc. They've got a serious problem with their math!
Example of a typical day: fb charges for 10 clicks, but both clicky stats and google webmaster only show 1-2 clicks. This didnt happen on occasion. It happened consistently. The numbers never added up.

Quite a few agents on here have mentioned that they had the same experience.
I have not had that problem, The consumer information that facebook has about its customers and clients is invaluable to a marketing campaign, I do not believe it is a good idea to ignore it as part of a well rounded campaign. POF is another platform that has specific information, I had honestly never considered that for ppc before.
Every social media platform has different strengths and weaknesses. Decide what you want to accomplish with SM and pick the platform that best suites your goals.

Social media can be very time consuming. It's better to spend your time cultivating a following on one or two sites than having accounts on every social media site out there and be unable to devote sufficient time to cultivate any of the properly.