WellCare Fiasco

Do any other carriers in the midwest have close to $0 plans for people on generics or not taking any meds?
Agents can't discuss this with you until Oct 1.

If you have a printed Indiana Medicare and You for 2025, you can see the names of Indiana PDP plans for 2025 and their premiums.
I am still in disbelief that a company can stop paying renewals like WellCare has on their PDP policies , ethically it is Wrong and to justify it by having a “contract” that can term basically at anytime when they choose is complete BS . If you look at the scenario playing out how is it not headline news, they literally took our customers ,our seniors and are going to cross sell us and not even pay us for doing it . And where is the representation , where’s the outcry besides a rant here and there I see nothing being done . All I see is a petition on change.org from HAFA , what a joke . No solutions in sight at the moment. What really can be done ?
Same here. We live in the Twilight Zone. I mean, I could draw up a contract that says I'm allowed to punch my employees in the face everyday at 2:00pm, for 1 minute, but that's still not right and it's literally illegal. Last time I checked, stealing peoples money/wages that they earned was illegal. No difference. Battery is battery. theft is theft. both are illegal. Contrary to popular belief, just because something is in a contract, that doesn't mean it's the final word, or hell, even legal. Contracts are challenged and overridden all the time. It's also not like we have a choice not to sign and to disagree to it. Everything in this industry is forced and under duress of not getting paid.