- 41
PLEASE help me avoid burning my new fresh ones
I'm a new agent working with social insurance Facebook leads. I have tried both knocking and appointment setting by phone. Most of the leads I've worked with were 1-5 months old- I was temporarily hired as my upline's appointment setter (till he switched to 90% mortgage protection) prior to starting myself and he had me start with his binder of old leads for practice and he bought one fresh batch for me to work with while doing it for him as well. When I first started myself he gave me 20 partially called ones he hadn't gotten a chance to fully work and paid for my first fresh order of 30 which were terribly delayed so I started knocking the huge binder of old ones he'd let me keep that I either hadn't gotten to ever pick up or hadn't been able to set. My no show rate is more than 50% whether I set the appointment by phone or at the door, and my upline actually told me the no show rate was rather high when I set for him despite me using the same script he did. At the time I thought it was the age of the lead and that they'd already been called 10+ times by him (and sometimes even previously set with him and canceled or no showed) but I had the same issue with the 20 lightly worked ones he gave me. Of course I try to get in the door at the time if I can but if I set an appt by they can't do it right than they're hardly ever there when the time comes even if it's the next day. I'm finally starting to get my first totally uncalled fresh ones in and couldn't get more than 2 out of the 12 I have so far to pick up so I'm going to knock them all today along with more old ones in that area. What should I do differently so as not to waste them? When they come to the door when knocking I remind them of what they filled out and tell them dispatched out to deliver the 'new final expense information they requested on Facebook. WHAT is going on here? Upline says I'm not stern enough with them but if I get overly stern they don't set at all