What are 3 things that make a excellent FE agent?

I concur with most everything ESPECIALLY in regards to the bugs :0

I'd add:
1. good people skills (not socially awkward)
2. takes interest in others (not "salesman-y")
3. good money management (if you blow your first big deposit at the casino you're in big doodoo)
I'll add some more to the mix :D

  1. Coffee in the morning with a side of bacon
  2. Leads to work
  3. Charm to win the spouse over that wanted a policy in the first place.
Ah - yes...bacon...the other essential!
So, on that theme:
1) Bacon
2) Butter
3) Chicharrones
Ahhh, I see you are still considering it. Good! There's no way to sum up success of a FE agent into only 3 things...but here goes....

1. Make FE your only income source...it's too easy to quit if you have other income
2. Massive confidence (but not over-confident or arrogant)
3. Lots of leads, and from at least 2 sources (never rely on your IMO to provide all of your leads...they'll screw you...trust me.)