What Do You Do When Other Websites Steal Your Content?


5000 Post Club
Or is it legal?

Checkout this website:


Change optionss to options. I did not want to give them a link.

They published it April 26 2012 and have also published just about all of blog articles.

The original article (that I wrote) I published on April 15th here:

Pennsylvania Private Vs. Group Health Insurance

They rank higher (bastards!) and have obviously stolen other content. I can file each article (1 by 1) with Google's Copyright removal and they take care of it. But it takes a while and I would like that site shut down. Am I out of line or can they actually do that?
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It is your content. You are not out of line. The first step is not Google. Go directly to the thief and request removal AND a 301 redirect for the URL. Use a lawyer if you can. Threaten further action.If this is unsuccessful in getting them to remove it, then go to Google and do them one by one...and pursue legal action.
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I have emailed numerous times. I assume they are overseas. They never respond and legal action will not stop them. Just a guess. The tedious one article at a time, I suppose is the best recourse.
This may our may not help you now however one way of keeping track of content and how it's copied on the Web is copyscape.com it's a free tool and they will verify if you have been plagiarized.

Also if you pay a fee they will notify you if it does happen.
Google and Bing is your only resource. It is unfortunate that this regularly happens when you write quality content. Good luck.
Have you tried installing plugins to block them from being able to copy and paste it? I have some I use on freetelemarketingscripts.com and although I wouldn't have much of a way of knowing, I don't believe anything has been copied.
I have not. But I will look into it. It appears that site has no original content.

WP-CopyProtect [Protect your blog posts]

Works like a charm. Now they'll go take content from someone else. They can still do it, but it's a lot more difficult and it isn't automated.
you will prob find that the site that ripped ur content has a high pagerank than yours, that is usually whats the explanation is
Yes, it does. 4-3. I'll have to submit each page to Google. Was advised by Hosting Co. they will not do anything. I did notice that for a few of the pages, Google did delete them after I submitted a request and then they created new pages with the same content. Clever.