What Do You Do When Other Websites Steal Your Content?

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In the future, consider useing "rel = author" tags to associate content with your site. It won't stop anyone from scraping but it will stop them from out ranking you for your own content.
John is correct on the rel=author. This is where your "identity" being tied to your Google+ is powerful.
This happened to me a while back and I found out on accident. A car dealer bond website copied my content then cited me as a source (no linkback btw). I found out he had several websites and my content was on about 20+ pages. I made a phone call to him then a few other agencies whose content had been plagiarized. We were lucky he took the content down immediately. Best of luck!
UPDATE: I received an email from this "person." They appear to be Chinese and apologized and said they removed the content. However, it is still there.

Perhaps it takes a day or so for the content to disappear.
Perhaps it takes a day or so for the content to disappear.

It only takes a second to hit the delete button. I think the "I'm sorry, I'll start playing nice" email is merely an attempt to get you to go away.

I think it will take a "nice" letter from your attorney before you see it disappear. If this person was being sincere, the content wouldn't still be there.

Chumps: on an unrelated side note, I was researching the details of Ohio's new auto insurance laws a couple days ago. I stumbled across an article that you were quoted in. Kuddos my man!