What Do You Do When Other Websites Steal Your Content?

Have you tried reporting it to the hosting company? They'll often times force the owner to remove the content.
I deal with a lot of this on my sites...I report to Google, etc., but also go back to GoDaddy - [email protected]


You can usually get them to terminate the account for violation of godaddy registration agreement....check out name, phone and address below as well and if bogus (im sure it is) make sure you include that as part of complaint to copyright department.

Registered through: GoDaddy.com, LLC (Domain Names | The World's Largest Domain Name Registrar - GoDaddy.com)
Created on: 27-May-11
Expires on: 27-May-13
Last Updated on: 12-Jan-12

Gemma Candice
528 Main St.
East Hampton, New York 11958
United States

Administrative Contact:
Candice, Gemma [email protected]
528 Main St.
East Hampton, New York 11958
United States
Spoke to GoDaddy. They will not intervene since content was from a "blog." However, they recommended going to Google and submitting the forms that I mentioned previously.

Maybe I'll give Gemma a call. What a name. Oh well. Not a working number.
i would submit through the copyright email anyway to put them on notice for supporting copyright violations, and also that user is violating their registration agreement by providing false registration info....I also ask for contact info/process for serving subpoena. usually works.
WP-CopyProtect [Protect your blog posts]

Works like a charm. Now they'll go take content from someone else. They can still do it, but it's a lot more difficult and it isn't automated.

It won't block scrapers from copying. The way most of them work is by pulling a wget or curl type instruction to pull all the data off the page.

Submitting a DMCA request to the hosting provider and then a plagurism notice to google is about as good as it gets.
Looks like it's been taken down?

I personally call every plagiarizer and leave several voicemails. If no return call (or no number to call), then I file a DMCA takedown notice. I've only had to do that twice and both times it was successful.
DMCA Takedown Request to Google and the web host is the typical route here.

Repeat submissions are annoying, BUT... DMCA violation submissions to Google are actually a ding on the website in the Google ranking algo as well. This was added to help suppress pirate download, torrent and scraping sites more effectively.
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