What happens to the Uninsured????

Does anyone here think that maybe a $16,800 a year health insurance premium is a bit much? Or is it just me?

[Insert deity name... or favorite obscenity here] I hate the greed and avarice of the healthcare industry... and the government regulators that help perpetuate it.

The Jackass (aka The AH)

Except...rates for HIPAA plans in California are uniform to be in line with the state's MRMIP program by law. So, since the state of CA determines the range of HIPAA rates allowed by the carriers, who exactly is greedy here?

That is why carriers offering HSA under HIPAA are hard-pressed to sell the plan, the mandatory premium pricing dilutes the value of HSA (low premium with higher deductible) and drives the HIPAA premium too high to compete with the traditional plans offered.

BTW, Anthem Blue Cross has held fairly constant over the last four years and has, in some areas and age bands, actually reduced HIPAA premiums.

You should learn how HIPAA actually works in CA before you comment on it.
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Does anyone here think that maybe a $16,800 a year health insurance premium is a bit much?

Seems contradictory to an earlier statement of yours to the effect that "everyone" should have coverage, and you "don't care what it costs."

So, it's not OK to charge $16,800 a year for private health insurance, but it's OK for the government to spend $16,800 a year to insure this guy and his wife?

Hmmm. Interesting logic.
Seems contradictory to an earlier statement of yours to the effect that "everyone" should have coverage, and you "don't care what it costs."

So, it's not OK to charge $16,800 a year for private health insurance, but it's OK for the government to spend $16,800 a year to insure this guy and his wife?

Hmmm. Interesting logic.

We can easily afford full free healthcare for every citizen (even non-citizens). End the war, end agri-sub, cut the military budget by half, cut 50% of the pork spending, have the states adjust some of their budgets to pay into the fund, and have everyone pay $500 a year... and it's a done deal. It's done in England, France, Germany, Switzerland, and every other civilized country in the world.

But we can't do it here because we simply don't have the will... and because the medical establishment, the carriers and the agents don't want to have to give up their seat on the healthcare gravy train.

Come on guys. Be honest. This is a GREAT system for us. It works just great. Hell, we got 60% coverage. Screw the other 40% of the population.

In what other biz can you work in your underwear and make $100K a year? It's the health insurance soup pot and everyone has a spoon in their hand (except some of you who have a straw.)

As I wrote earlier, don't come into this sector of the insurance industry searching for a heart of gold because all you are going to find is a heart of stone.

The Jackass
In what other biz can you work in your underwear and make $100K a year?

The Jackass

Well, I can only say that I have seen it more than a few times and in fact contributed a few dollars to the kitty. (bad choice of words, maybe).