What Should FE Lady Agents Wear?

Man, you asked these guys a loaded question.

You are there to transact business in their home. Don't wear anything that would make them uncomfortable or suspicious of you, but what you wear is also a reflection of your personality and the region you are working.

I am in Colorado so I wear business casual usually slacks, khakis, or capris topped by a tee shirt and an unconstructed jacket, sandals (not flip flops or anythings resembling them) and a brimmed hat. In the winter, pants of any type including jeans usually black, cowboy boots, and cotton turtleneck sweaters. Jewelry is an option but I only wear earrings -sometimes.

Make-up is very light because most in this state will skip makeup if they are no longer working. My hair is extremely long so it's in a low pony tail or braided; out of my face and out of my way.

Do not wear perfume, many are allergic and if too heavy it is a big distraction. I keep a lint brush in the car because this place is a dog friendly state and I run into the occasional cat lady.

In the cooler months my dog goes to appointments with me, but he stays in the car. I do introduce him to my clients as my supervisor- he's quite popular.

Make sure tats and piercing other than ears are covered or not conspicuous. You want to be remembered in a good way.
Dress in all black. A somber appearance as if a widow should make a lasting impression on the prospects for FE.:)

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