What the Heck?

"How about it's today and you are down at the animal shelter and you see Michale Vick adopting 5 Pit Bulls; would you say something?"

Hell no I would not say anything! Michael Vick wasn't an a-hole for killing pitbulls he was an a-hole for breeding them and bringing those satonic sons of bitches into the world. Sorry!
"How about it's today and you are down at the animal shelter and you see Michale Vick adopting 5 Pit Bulls; would you say something?"

Hell no I would not say anything! Michael Vick wasn't an a-hole for killing pitbulls he was an a-hole for breeding them and bringing them and bring those satonic sons of bitches into the world. Sorry!

So now Pit pulls are "satonic sons of bitches?" Well then call me the owner of a "satonic sons of a bitch" because I own one and love my dog.
"So now Pit pulls are "satonic sons of bitches?" Well then call me the owner of a "satonic sons of a bitch" because I own one and love my dog."

Now how come that does not surprise me that some dipshit insurance agent thinks that pitbulls make good family pets? Concrapulations scumbag I'm sure you would sleep just fine tonight even if your dog did get loose and kill the neighbors kid playing in his own backyard.
Wow. There is ignorance, then there is new definition of stupidity. Thank you for the enlighten lessons.
"Wow. There is ignorance, then there is new definition of stupidity. Thank you for the enlighten lessons."

Many cities have banned pitbulls and many require owners to own million dollar liability policies on thier pitbulls. Personally I wish they would add mandatory 1 year jail sentences to all owners whose pitbulls get loose and hurt innocent people. When ever they show pictures on the news of the owners of these pitbulls who have mutilated and attacked people the owners always look like total trash who have not the slightest bit of true remorse. Good luck in your insurance career looking like that ha ha ha ha ha!:nah:
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You wanna cold-door knock my house....good luck!

"Wow. There is ignorance, then there is new definition of stupidity. Thank you for the enlighten lessons."

When ever they show pictures on the news of the owners of these pitbulls who have mutilated and attacked people the owners always look like total trash who have not the slightest bit of true remorse. Good luck in your insurance career looking like that ha ha ha ha ha!:nah:

I am sure that is not the case for him, I'm sure he only wears the finest "wifebeaters" available with a nice pair of slacks instead of the classic jean shorts that most trailer trash normally sport.

**And I was starting to think YOda had changed a little, you know less abraisive, I think I have to re-consider.
But I'm with Yoda on this Stop Snitching
After all he is an insurance agent with jeffery dahmer sleeping on his sofa how bad can he be.
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