What the Heck?

Ditto greensky. He was given the benefit of the doubt, admitted he wasn't aware of the rules, and instead of being receptive, he was an a$$. Oh well, to each his own.

If the other agent had been smart, he would have acknowledged his error and said he wasn't aware and would research the rules further. From that point he could do as he felt was right.

Let me ask you a question if you are taught to do something a certain way and your doing it-
then someone calls you out of nowhere (who's upset cause you stole his client) to say "your doing it wrong & I DO IT RIGHT. IF YOU DONT LISTEN TO ME I AM GOING TO REPORT YOU!"
Your telling me you would apologize to the caller and beg for a mentorship.
I highly doubt it especially coming from a bunch of no it alls.

I am surprised that you meddlers didn't call the manager an tell him how to do his job also, but then again the way this story is going I am sure we will find out that you did that too.
This fish keeps getting bigger and Bigger

PS. It's 1940's Germany I have 3 Jews in my attic are you gonna turn me in.
SOMEONE SAID- " PS. It's 1940's Germany I have 3 Jews in my attic are you gonna turn me in."

Hell yes the majority of these douche bag insurance agents are going to turn you in and sleep well at night doing it! For the most part insurance agents are a creepy lot.........A FMO in my area every year awards a weekend for two to a nearby NFL city to his top producers. He rents outs a couple floors of a major hotel and they all get together for a fun filled weekend and then on sunday go to the NFL game and have a big tail gating party and then sit together at the stadium. Every year I refuse that trip and I tell the FMO the truth which is I dont consider it a good time to be hanging out with a bunch of a-hole insurance agents for a whole weekend. 4 or 5 years ago I told the FMO that the only way I would go is if he just gave me the 2 tickets to the game and I would stay at my own hotel and join up with them on game day. He said no way and I said OK! This year he mentioned the annual trip and I jumped him and said dont even go there!
That's not what I said. I said that I would have told him I didn't realize it and would look in to it. Personally at that point, I would have hung up and kept doing what I was doing. That is of course if I believed I was doing the right thing.
While it's not my job to teach other agents, I feel obligated to at least try to help if another agent is doing something illegal.

If that agent then tells me to F*CK OFF, I might very well retaliate by getting him out of the business - and certainly turn in the FMO he works through.

And Yoda, F*CK OFF.

GREEN SKY SAID- "If that agent then tells me to F*CK OFF, I might very well retaliate by getting him out of the business - and certainly turn in the FMO he works through.

And Yoda, F*CK OFF."

I like when two loser rat insurance agents like yourself with no lives or brains start finking on each other and it breaks out into a contest of who can rat the other guy out the most. Would you like to hear one of those stories son? I got a million of them. I'm better then that did I say that yet?
You are better "then" that? Really? Nice! If I were going to say something like that I would say I am better THAN that. But that's just for those who want to use proper grammar.

I always find those that talk about how good they are usually aren't that good. Maybe you're the exception.

I like when two loser rat insurance agents like yourself with no lives or brains start finking on each other and it breaks out into a contest of who can rat the other guy out the most. Would you like to hear one of those stories son? I got a million of them. I'm better then that did I say that yet?
You are better "then" that? Really? Nice! If I were going to say something like that I would say I am better THAN that. But that's just for those who want to use proper grammar.

I always find those that talk about how good they are usually aren't that good. Maybe you're the exception.

You always find those "that" talk about how good they are? Really? Nice! If I were going to say something like that I would say I always find those WHO talk about how good they are. But that's just for those who want to use proper grammar.

Just kidding. You guys is funny.
Now you find my mistake.......
This is one of the best debate threads ever!!!

I think we can all agree on the basics

1) When it comes to FRAUD, it must be reported

Other then that, there is a lot of gray area, especially in this economy. This unemployment rate is a national disgrace. Many vulnerable citizens will be prayed upon by snake sales managers that operate revolving door offices. To snitch or not to snitch that is the question. I say do what your heart and mind tell you will produce the most GOOD.

PS. It's 1940's Germany I have 3 Jews in my attic are you gonna turn me in.

Yo said THAT!

I wouldn't turn your "ass" in. In fact, I would help you get them out of the country. - the most GOOD.
To turn in or not to turn in, eh. Why bother.

An agent who is doing that won't be in the insurance business in 2 years anyway.

As John P so aptly put it in another thread, and I paraphrase, "an agent who needs to make a sale to pay bills is dangerous to the consumer".
Let me ask you a question if you are taught to do something a certain way and your doing it-
then someone calls you out of nowhere (who's upset cause you stole his client) to say "your doing it wrong & I DO IT RIGHT. IF YOU DONT LISTEN TO ME I AM GOING TO REPORT YOU!"
Your telling me you would apologize to the caller and beg for a mentorship.
I highly doubt it especially coming from a bunch of no it alls.

I am surprised that you meddlers didn't call the manager an tell him how to do his job also, but then again the way this story is going I am sure we will find out that you did that too.
This fish keeps getting bigger and Bigger

PS. It's 1940's Germany I have 3 Jews in my attic are you gonna turn me in.

Since you want to give extreme examples,

It's 1990 and Jeffrey Dahmer is sleeping on my sofa, would you turn me in?

It's 1995 and Ted Kaczynski is at the hardware store buying Nails and Ammonia Nitrate; would you turn him in?

How about it's today and you are down at the animal shelter and you see Michale Vick adopting 5 Pit Bulls; would you say something?