What Websites Do You Trust the Most and Why

Newegg.com, they just do the right thing, every damn time. I'm nearing 6 figures spent with them over the past decade, and can't think of a legitimate issue in the past hundred purchases. They process correctly, prices are great, info is right, pictures are exemplary, and their shipping is faster than you expect.

Steam, Origin, Battlenet, and Playstation Market are all digital-only sources I trust. Main reason: buy once, play on any computer you log into. I have games I bought on Steam in the 90's that I've played on a dozen computers over the years and never had an issue. No lost keys, cd's, etc. Log in, install, play.

Personally, I'd never trust Google market or the Apple Store, they implicitly say in the agreement that you don't own anything you buy, merely lease it for a term decided by them. Same goes for Amazon digital and the now-defunct Walmart music service. All 4 have made news for revoking paid products from customers, the Walmart digital service went under and every customer lost access to their entire libraries. Having stuff I paid for revoked on a whim doesn't sit right with me.

And who the hell trusts eBay? The most notorious website in the world for being scammed? A website that has no way to protect you? You do realize they don't sell anything besides the right to list products on their site, and you're dealing with sellers selling unknown and unverified grey/black market goods from random countries, right?
Newegg.com, they just do the right thing, every damn time. I'm nearing 6 figures spent with them over the past decade, and can't think of a legitimate issue in the past hundred purchases. They process correctly, prices are great, info is right, pictures are exemplary, and their shipping is faster than you expect.

Steam, Origin, Battlenet, and Playstation Market are all digital-only sources I trust. Main reason: buy once, play on any computer you log into. I have games I bought on Steam in the 90's that I've played on a dozen computers over the years and never had an issue. No lost keys, cd's, etc. Log in, install, play.

Personally, I'd never trust Google market or the Apple Store, they implicitly say in the agreement that you don't own anything you buy, merely lease it for a term decided by them. Same goes for Amazon digital and the now-defunct Walmart music service. All 4 have made news for revoking paid products from customers, the Walmart digital service went under and every customer lost access to their entire libraries. Having stuff I paid for revoked on a whim doesn't sit right with me.

And who the hell trusts eBay? The most notorious website in the world for being scammed? A website that has no way to protect you? You do realize they don't sell anything besides the right to list products on their site, and you're dealing with sellers selling unknown and unverified grey/black market goods from random countries, right?

I've bought and sold well into the six figures on ebay. Many cars, motorcycles, down to a bunch of little stuff. Zero problems ever.
I've bought and sold well into the six figures on ebay. Many cars, motorcycles, down to a bunch of little stuff. Zero problems ever.

I bought my car off of ebay. It was here in town and I got to test drive it and have it checked out first.

I offered the guy a good price for it, if he would take the listing down and just sell it outright.

I guess he thought the bidding would get competitive. Joke was on him. I was the only serious bidder and got it for $2k less than I offered!! LOL
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I bought my car off of ebay. It was here in town and I got to test drive it and have it checked out first.

I offered the guy a good price for it, if he would take the listing down and just sell it outright.

I guess he thought the bidding would get competitive. Joke was on him. I was the only serious bidder and got it for $2k less than I offered!! LOL

I bought one of Ebay the same way. Offered a price if they would end early. They asked and I was the only bidder and got it for $600 less than I offered.

I have had problems with a couple of Ebay transactions but they were always successfuly resolved.
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If you've managed to get to 6 figures on eBay and never get scammed, you're an exception. I've been scammed (small time, <$100 bux), I've seen TONS of scams, and have had close personal friends get scammed as well. Worst one was a buddy who won an $6000 snowmobile from a seller in Canada, drove there with a trailer and my dad to pick it up, to find that the address was an abandoned farm. Turns out, guy was actually from eastern Europe somewhere, and he wasn't getting his cash back. I've had customers bring in cars flooded by hurricane Sandy that were not informed of the submarine past of their vehicles. You wouldn't believe the amount of knockoff and counterfeit good going around either.

Ebay may be a reputable company, the people who use their services are not. Same goes for Amazon, TaoBao, DHGate, Etsy, and anywhere else that facilitates sales from private entities.
If you've managed to get to 6 figures on eBay and never get scammed, you're an exception. I've been scammed (small time, <$100 bux), I've seen TONS of scams, and have had close personal friends get scammed as well. Worst one was a buddy who won an $6000 snowmobile from a seller in Canada, drove there with a trailer and my dad to pick it up, to find that the address was an abandoned farm. Turns out, guy was actually from eastern Europe somewhere, and he wasn't getting his cash back. I've had customers bring in cars flooded by hurricane Sandy that were not informed of the submarine past of their vehicles. You wouldn't believe the amount of knockoff and counterfeit good going around either.

Ebay may be a reputable company, the people who use their services are not. Same goes for Amazon, TaoBao, DHGate, Etsy, and anywhere else that facilitates sales from private entities.

With Etsy if you know your customers and vendors it's not a problem. The crafting community will quickly expose a scammer
"if you know" and "expose a scammer" are the reasons I say I don't trust them, someone has to get scammed before they get exposed, and how can you know someone prior to your first purchase and their first sale?

If you say "only purchase from people with a history of legit sales and positive reviews" than you DONT trust that website, you trust select sellers that utilize it. Same as trusting one reputable vendor in a scammer filled flea market.
I bought a 95 Jaguar XJS on EBAY from someone in Las Vegas about 8 years ago. I flew out there and drove it home. Zero problems and saved thousands.

My wife sells tons of vintage handbags and compacts on Etsy and Ebay.

Love those two sites.
Saying you got your car from eBay is like saying you got it from Las Vegas. Technically true, but we all know WHO matters more than WHERE.

No one has ever bought anything from eBay. eBay does not sell anything besides listings in their auction service. For this, yes, I trust eBay. As far as purchasing, you must trust the individual seller. Saying you "trust ebay" is like saying you "trust every car dealer in Nevada".

As someone that has sold and purchased through all of these sites, don't blindly trust just because it's listed there. Anyone can list anything.

The only thing preventing me from selling Insurance Agent Forum on eBay is laziness. Nothing stops any person from listing anything they want.