What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

Ask me how I know. My son & 2 of his 5 roomates have myocarditis & all 3 now have autoimmune diseases like Hashimotos thryoid & diabetes, etc at the ripe old age of 24 as college lacrosse players. Never knew a single person under 30 in my life that had myocarditis, hashimotos & now know dozens of kids age 15-25 (some from covid & some from vaccines as both triggered the inflammatory responses accelerating auto immune diseases they may have been destined to have later in life)

I'm sorry, if you're trying to attribute conditions to a vaccine I don't believe you.

Not so much that it can't happen, because we accept risks of taking the vaccines... which you're informed of up front.

The amount of people with issues you're trying to attribute to a vaccine, is a lie. Sorry.

The level of stories that people try to sell on this forum (which is relatively small) and extrapolating it to the general population... it would be reasonable that I would have seen it for myself.

I've worked in SSDI and Long Term Disability over a decade, prior to, during, and after the Covid event. Specifically, I worked in claims where I personally reviewed and analyzed medical records across all ages and genders.

All of those conditions have mild to severe cases. We would have seen an uptick in age approvals in certain conditions that were flagged for Covid specifically.

Even IF they didnt have covid, virtually all medical records during that time specifically mentioned having a vaccine or not.

All with ongoing mandated reporting for ANYONE that was even diagnosed with COVID and review of ongoing for almost 2 years.

12 cases a week, 50 weeks a year, 3 years of main activity. Another 1800 cases that my wife would review as well, because we had the same position. Plus another 300 each that we were taking on IN ADDITION to our backlogs, to process claims as quickly as humanly possible during a crisis.

Guess what?!?!? Conditions that I saw that upticked werent young people with a history of a vaccine. It was multiple age ranges that GOT COVID that turned into long haul.

No offense, I trust data and actual FULL CASE reviews over you, and most of the other people here, that have an agenda.

I don't have an agenda. If I objectively saw, with a better background experience than you... something that even remotely came close to what you're saying, I'd agree.

Sure, some will say they were not mandated, they were free to drop out of those public colleges that wanted new buildings from the new found government aid. But dropping out after 2 years wasnt an option
This is another lie.

Campuses did not require Covid vaccines unless they were participating in on campus classes. Most colleges, during the height of the pandemic were offering remote sessions.

You didn't have to drop out of school. Secondly within a year, at most 2, most universities did not have any requirement for a COVID vaccine.

They weren't mandates, you had options to address your reluctance to take a vaccine. By your own argument many people just faked records.

You could have deferred classes, taken online classes, or gotten the vaccine

So again, you're full of shit.

Just FYI, we're in the same state, I believe. I was handling claims state wide and in other states, like Tennessee...

So.. sorry...

I'm calling bullshit.
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Yeah man, I don't know anybody that died with Covid, but I know a number of people that ended up in the hospital immediately after getting the vaccine.

So, I can believe somebody I've never met that thinks men can get pregnant, or I can believe my own eyes.

Sorry, I'm believing my own eyes on this one.
Yeah man, I don't know anybody that died with Covid, but I know a number of people that ended up in the hospital immediately after getting the vaccine.

So, I can believe somebody I've never met that thinks men can get pregnant, or I can believe my own eyes.

Sorry, I'm believing my own eyes on this one.
I knew several that died from Covid. My question would be how many deaths could have been prevented.

Albany has two hospitals. When covid came the smaller one was converted to covid patients only.

My youngest son was the head pharmacist at the smaller one at the time.

He said that the government brought in the military and trucked in out of state doctors. Our local doctors were not allowed to treat the covid patients.

He also said that the standard treatment was to put everyone on a ventilator. He advised against it.

He said that most of the patients placed on the ventilator died and the ones that refused it are still here.

I'm not a doctor. He is. Something's fishy.
The only thing that's fishy is that the two countries with the highest leadership rate of covid denial (USA, Brazil) suffered the worst covid injury and mortality rates.
Well, I don't know about Brazil, but the US is one of the fattest countries in the world. 74% of the population over 20 is either overweight or obese.

So, when somebody stumbles in to the hospital 100 lb overweight with diabetes and heart disease, and a cough, and then ultimately dies, in the US we check it off as a Covid death.

And yes, there are other countries that are fatter than the U.S. But the U.S. was very diligent about checking off the coviBobox on deaths.

Most of so-called covid deaths were people that were dead already. Most, not all, but most of those people were people that were choosing not to take care of themselves. Diabetics, obese and vitamin D deficient led as comorbities. All preventable. Age was one of the leading factors as well, that one, of course, is not preventable. Type one diabetes is also not preventable, but type 2 is what most people have - a direct result of poor eating and lifestyle habits.
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Oh, and don't give me this nonsense about how it was about saving lives.

Never once did an official get on TV and tell people to stop shoving junk food in their face.

Never once did they say exercise more.
Never once did they say drink more water.
Never once did they say get better sleep.
Never once did they say go out and get some sunshine.

All things that are proven to stengthen the immune system. The country is fatter and sicker today than it ever was.
Oh, and don't give me this nonsense about how it was about saving lives.

Never once did an official get on TV and tell people to stop shoving junk food in their face.

Never once did they say exercise more.
Never once did they say drink more water.
Never once did they say get better sleep.
Never once did they say go out and get some sunshine.

All things that are proven to stengthen the immune system. The country is fatter and sicker today than it ever was.

Of the few Covid related death claim I had. I do not recall one being an otherwise healthy person. All had underlying issues and or were elderly.
The use of ventilators at the beginning of Covid 19 breakout was because at that time Chinese doctors had success in curing Covid 19 using ventilators. Chinese had been battaling Covid 19 few months longer than Americans. Chinese also had the ventilators factories to themselves and they could force them to work 7/24 producing ventilators. The use of wide spread ventilators in USA was not based on a long term scientific study. By the time May came about due to lack of ventilators in USA and some brave experimentation by US doctors they started to use other non invasive methods to deliver oxygen to lungs and it actually worked better against Covid. Chinese did not use these methods until much later because Chinese doctors are not allowed to innovate. So the narrative taht ventilators caused spread of Covid 19 is actually a false one. One good thing about US medical system is that it is innovative and also give credit to Trump for letting medical community to what they need to do both on the hospital side and vaccine side. In fairness, his handling was B+, A- range. Of course, if Trump had kept his mouth shot about injecting Chlorine and let the governors do whatever they want, he could have been easily get reelected president.
I knew several that died from Covid. My question would be how many deaths could have been prevented.

Albany has two hospitals. When covid came the smaller one was converted to covid patients only.

My youngest son was the head pharmacist at the smaller one at the time.

He said that the government brought in the military and trucked in out of state doctors. Our local doctors were not allowed to treat the covid patients.

He also said that the standard treatment was to put everyone on a ventilator. He advised against it.

He said that most of the patients placed on the ventilator died and the ones that refused it are still here.

I'm not a doctor. He is. Something's fishy.
Yes, most died from the ventilator. When I was in the hospital with the Wuhan, I told them NO VENTILATOR!!!