What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

Well, I don't know about Brazil, but the US is one of the fattest countries in the world. 74% of the population over 20 is either overweight or obese.

So, when somebody stumbles in to the hospital 100 lb overweight with diabetes and heart disease, and a cough, and then ultimately dies, in the US we check it off as a Covid death.

And yes, there are other countries that are fatter than the U.S. But the U.S. was very diligent about checking off the coviBobox on deaths.

Most of so-called covid deaths were people that were dead already. Most, not all, but most of those people were people that were choosing not to take care of themselves. Diabetics, obese and vitamin D deficient led as comorbities. All preventable. Age was one of the leading factors as well, that one, of course, is not preventable. Type one diabetes is also not preventable, but type 2 is what most people have - a direct result of poor eating and lifestyle habits.
There were people listed as having died from Covid, who really died from car accidents and gunshot wounds, but they had Covid a month earlier....so they died from Covid. The numbers were greatly inflated.
Trump for letting medical community to what they need to do both on the hospital side and vaccine side.
While at the same time, telling the country to ignore any safety protocols, that it was just a flu, that would be gone in a few weeks.
So, when somebody stumbles in to the hospital 100 lb overweight with diabetes and heart disease, and a cough, and then ultimately dies, in the US we check it off as a Covid death.
Sorry, but that's not how the statistics were tabulated. That misinformation circulating on social media by the antivax community was addressed one year into the pandemic by national healthcare officials. That same community also suggested that bicycle fatalities were also being written up as covid deaths.
One good thing about US medical system is that it is innovative and also give credit to Trump for letting medical community to what they need to do both on the hospital side and vaccine side. In fairness, his handling was B+, A- range. Of course, if Trump had kept his mouth shot about injecting Chlorine and let the governors do whatever they want, he could have been easily get reelected president.

No. I don't agree with most of this.

His actual handling of Covid was a D. While he did cut regulatory tape to give vaccines a faster production time, his roll out was horrible...

He contradicted himself by having a vaccine, but then dismissing the severity of Covid. Furthermore, he had an opportunity to show leadership by organizing state needs in a way where they weren't competing with themselves and the feds for supplies.

He caused a lot of harm that otherwise could have saved lives or reduced sx's... downplaying how serious Covid was...

Of the few Covid related death claim I had. I do not recall one being an otherwise healthy person. All had underlying issues and or were elderly.

This rationale has always struck me as odd. They have a co-morbidity... okay.. does that make them any less dead due to Covid?

I can tell you that I've seen a lot more Covid claims, in disability, than most saw in life claims. Long-haul issues, which included respiratory, cardiovascular, and cognition, were occurring with relatively healthy, younger people.

It's odd to me, because a lot of people here talk about dead... but dead isn't the only measure of severity.

And Mark says things that are equally dumb..

So they have heart disease and diabetes... yes, they're more suseptible to sx's of Covid...


Would they have died when they did without Covid?

No. Probably not.

If they had Covid and not the other Comorbidities, would they have died or had severe sx's? Maybe.

It's like saying "You had an autoimmune disease and die from pneumonia..."

You still caught pneumonia... regardless... which could have killed you by itself. You're still dead...

Trying to slice hairs on why someone died between having comorbidities or not is weird... They died from Covid... regardless of comorbidities. They didn't die from the comorbidities.
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He's lost both elections if we were counting the number of votes. He won the electoral college in 2016 and that was a one off.

He was blown out in 2020, and he's going to lose even more bigly in 2024.
1st. Glad to see you posting again. But

2nd. You're wrong about 2020. He got almost all the votes.

If you think Brandon got 81 million votes (and he didn't) you're failing to take into consideration the fact that most of his votes were anti-Trump votes. Brandon didn't get squat.

Same things going to happen in November. Kackleberry will get your vote but in reality you'll be voting against Trump.
1st. Glad to see you posting again. But

2nd. You're wrong about 2020. He got almost all the votes.

If you think Brandon got 81 million votes (and he didn't) you're failing to take into consideration the fact that most of his votes were anti-Trump votes. Brandon didn't get squat.

Same things going to happen in November. Kackleberry will get your vote but in reality you'll be voting against Trump.

To tell you the truth, I feel bad for you and my other friends here. I know you're really not terrible people. I don't know what it is about Trump that he got such a grip on the brains of otherwise good folks, but he's got you.

It doesn't matter whether someone voted for Biden because they actually liked him, or they merely preferred Biden to Trump, or because they were flat out against Trump. 81 million of us voted for normalcy. The rest voted for a continued fascist clown show.

Kamala Harris is going to beat Trump by margins in excess of those enjoyed by Biden in 2020.

I'm not only voting against Trump. I'm with her. I have two daughters, and the GOP ticket this time around is the most anti-woman ticket in my lifetime. No way I want those two MAGA weirdo's controlling the executive branch.
To tell you the truth, I feel bad for you and my other friends here. I know you're really not terrible people. I don't know what it is about Trump that he got such a grip on the brains of otherwise good folks, but he's got you.

It doesn't matter whether someone voted for Biden because they actually liked him, or they merely preferred Biden to Trump, or because they were flat out against Trump. 81 million of us voted for normalcy. The rest voted for a continued fascist clown show.

Kamala Harris is going to beat Trump by margins in excess of those enjoyed by Biden in 2020.

I'm not only voting against Trump. I'm with her. I have two daughters, and the GOP ticket this time around is the most anti-woman ticket in my lifetime. No way I want those two MAGA weirdo's controlling the executive branch.

Which group is the clown show in the photo?
To tell you the truth, I feel bad for you and my other friends here. I know you're really not terrible people. I don't know what it is about Trump that he got such a grip on the brains of otherwise good folks, but he's got you.
Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Happier than a dead hog in the sunshine.

And you're wrong about me and Trump. I don't even like the man. But I'm voting for him.

I cast my vote strictly on Biblical principles. Nothing to do with either party. I don't really need a president. I already have a King.