What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

Don't take me wrong.

I still do not like Trump. But he is the only choice. That kinda pisses me off. However, we have his 4 year policy record and we have Harris', well, political history.

You lyin'...

If you're trying to justify that Trump is the only one because he has a 4 year policy record, you love Trump.

His record is the shits. He had 2 major accomplishment of his entire Presidency:

1) He appointed Justices that overturned Roe..

Which his losing on that record with women.

2) He gave major tax breaks to Corps and the wealth permanently.

Everything else was trash... The Wall Mexico was going to pay for? Nope.

Managing Covid? He directly botched his own rollout of what would have been a win.

Trump lost jobs, broke the economy, increased spending to ungodly levels, then tries to blame everything on someone else.

You have zero credibility, none.

It would be nice if you were just honest about Party over all the bullshit that Trump has done...

You lyin'...

If you're trying to justify that Trump is the only one because he has a 4 year policy record, you love Trump.

His record is the shits. He had 2 major accomplishment of his entire Presidency:

1) He appointed Justices that overturned Roe..

Which his losing on that record with women.

2) He gave major tax breaks to Corps and the wealth permanently.

Everything else was trash... The Wall Mexico was going to pay for? Nope.

Managing Covid? He directly botched his own rollout of what would have been a win.

Trump lost jobs, broke the economy, increased spending to ungodly levels, then tries to blame everything on someone else.

You have zero credibility, none.

It would be nice if you were just honest about Party over all the bullshit that Trump has done...


Go clean your room.

Your the quite quiter that doesn't want to participate so you moved out in the country if I remember you correctly. Waiting for the great collapse. Do you even vote?

All you do is try to label everyone. And not very good at that. Identify politics.

Poor thing you. It's just not fair. Bunch of meanies. Wait, I mean racist bullies. What are you 20?
Go clean your room.

Your the quite quiter that doesn't want to participate so you moved out in the country if I remember you correctly. Waiting for the great collapse. Do you even vote?

All you do is try to label everyone. And not very good at that. Identify politics.

Poor thing you. It's just not fair. Bunch of meanies. Wait, I mean racist bullies. What are you 20?

You have 5 minutes or so to respond. So don't go into one of your diatribes.